Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Second Internet

Micro Trends

Second Internet

People are shunning the corporate predictability and open-to-everyone nature of sites such as Facebook, and curating their own spaces online, embra...
Internet : Social Networks : Ephemeral

Micro Trends


Entrepreneurs : Business : Innovation
Australian Philanthropic Retail

Micro Trends

Australian Philanthropic Retail

A new generation of innovative social entrepreneurs wants to improve the world not by giving money to charity, but through Philanthropic Retail. In...
Entrepreneurs : Community : Social Business
Pedal Power

Micro Trends

Pedal Power

Australians bought more than 11m bicycles between 2000 and 2010, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. That is a lot of bikes: more tha...
Cycling : Bikes : Perks And Mini
Outward Bound

Micro Trends

Outward Bound

As a result of global economic woes, a strong dollar and locals taking shorter holidays, the Australian domestic travel market is generally flat, e...
Domestic : Travel : Tourism
Instant Inspiration Retail

Micro Trends

Instant Inspiration Retail

‘It’s facilitating the purchase at the point of inspiration,’ explains communications consultant Pamela Seidman, former vice-president of brand mar...
Website : E-tail : Click To Buy
Post-privacy World

Micro Trends

Post-privacy World

Social media has altered the ways in which we communicate with friends and peers. Now these social mechanics are becoming more relevant to families...
Social Networks : Privacy : Profiles
Australia’s Convivial Apps

Micro Trends

Australia’s Convivial Apps

These attitudes have contributed to the global rise in Conviviality Culture, which LS:N Global has been reporting since 2010. In this Conviviality ...
Social Media : Apps : Networking

Micro Trends


Inspired by magazines and websites such as Apartamento and The Selby, Australia’s Betapreneurs are using the intimacy of the home to make their res...
Beta : Home : House
Hong Kong Safari

Micro Trends

Hong Kong Safari

As part of the world’s emerging economic superpower, Hong Kong bristles with energy.
China : Ngau Tau Kok : G.O.D And Starbucks

Micro Trends


Smartphone apps, self-quantifying technologies and home-monitoring systems are increasingly making healthcare in the home a reality. As people use ...
Health : Data : Self-help
Renaissance Retail

Micro Trends

Renaissance Retail

Luxury fashion brands are showing off their inner Victorian philanthropist, buying in to world heritage sites, restoring decaying architectural lan...
Philanthropic Retail : Maisons : Flagships
The Hacked Home

Micro Trends

The Hacked Home

In future, families will modify, hack and download to create customised interiors to suit the changing needs of their multi-generational households.
Hacking : Homedulgence : Interiors
The Irony of Fashion

Micro Trends

The Irony of Fashion

The days of lofty art collaborations have gone. The latest branded fashion films have a much more humorous, playful and self-aware tone.
Fashion Film : Humour : Spoof
Home Factory

Micro Trends

Home Factory

The age when clear distinctions could be made between the workplace and the home is over. Just as increased connectivity, mobile technology and our...
Hacking : Hacktivism : Making
Playful Branding & Packaging

Micro Trends

Playful Branding & Packaging

A new playfulness in packaging is encouraging customers to engage with the products they contain. Rather than being an afterthought, packaging now ...
Fun : Experience : El Kombo
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