Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Cocktail Futures

Micro Trends

Cocktail Futures

The fast-moving cocktail market continues to grow. In the UK alone, the number of pubs, restaurants and hotels now serving cocktails has increased ...
Bars : Mixology : Alcohol
Last Chance Travel & Hospitality

Micro Trends

Last Chance Travel & Hospitality

In a world in which wild places and wild things are threatened by climate change and the resource and food demands of 7bn humans, a new travel move...
Tourism : Destinations : Trekking
New Air Hubs

Micro Trends

New Air Hubs

For almost the entire history of aviation, Europe and the US have been the nexus of air travel: the airport hubs where millions change planes. But ...
Air Travel : Airports : Bleisure
Future of Spas

Micro Trends

Future of Spas

Landscape and local experts, ingredients and healing traditions will be a key part of the future spa experience, as practitioners move away from th...
Treatments : Spa : Wellness
Footprint Futures

Micro Trends

Footprint Futures

In the 00s, people learned the importance of reducing their carbon footprints. We are now seeing a fuller picture of the environmental and social i...
Carbon Footprint : Environment : Sustainability
Curated Travel & Hospitality

Micro Trends

Curated Travel & Hospitality

Luxury travellers value their independence and like to assemble bespoke packages that deliver memories of a lifetime. But to do so they need hyper-...
Bespoke : Hyper Local : Localism
Coffee Futures

Micro Trends

Coffee Futures

A dedicated band of global innovators are experimenting with concepts of community and convenience to create fascinating new ways and places to dri...
Café : Convivial : Community
Synaesthetic Selling

Micro Trends

Synaesthetic Selling

Smart brands have long used sensory stimulation to steer consumer behaviour. Now, a few are going further. Based on the principle of synaesthesia, ...
Synaesthesia : Senses : Sensory
Cape Town Safari

Micro Trends

Cape Town Safari

Cape Town’s creatives are giving the world even more reason to visit the city.
Furniture : The Test Kitchen : Union Made Showrooms
Conscience Commerce

Micro Trends

Conscience Commerce

In these austere times, as some brands take an ethical stand through Brandstanding, so many are helping consumers with a conscience express their c...
BOGOA : Buy One Give One Away : Donation
Collaborative Selling

Micro Trends

Collaborative Selling

Today’s participatory consumers will become tomorrow’s collaborative consumers, producers and co-sellers. Social media and online forums provide pl...
Collaboration : We Commerce : Participatory
Village Brands

Micro Trends

Village Brands

‘The inroads made by own labels as a direct result of the Just Not brand choices will fundamentally alter many market sectors,’ says trends analyst...
Austerity : We Commerce : Community
Worker Theatre

Micro Trends

Worker Theatre

By treating the process behind the product as the stage and the workers as actors, smart brands are creating Worker Theatre.
Show Your Working : Workers : Artisan
Second-hand shoppers

Micro Trends

Second-hand shoppers

Thanks to the recession, Just Nots are seeking value through buying second-hand. The rise of auction sites such as penny auction site MadBid, CowBo...
Recession : Vintage : Thrift
Stockholm Safari

Micro Trends

Stockholm Safari

Stockholm may have fewer than a million inhabitants, but it makes up for its size with a wealth of ideas.
Stockholm : Djuret : Restaurant AG

Micro Trends


As squeezed consumers try to get more from every dollar, euro and pound they spend, so a few retailers are trying to help them. One of the key deve...
Collaborative Consumption : Community : Customer Power
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