Gen Jones

Born 1955–1965 and known as the ‘lost’ generation, this cohort lack Boomer optimism, shaped instead by the economic and social strife of the 1970s.

Reframing Ageing


Reframing Ageing

Jacynth Bassett, founder and CEO of global consultancy, community and campaign Ageism Is Never In Style, sits down with The Future Laboratory co-fo...
Ageing : Marketing : Branding
Podcast: Jacynth Bassett on Reframing Ageing


Podcast: Jacynth Bassett on Reframing Ageing

In the latest episode of Back to the F**kture! Jacynth Bassett, founder and CEO of global consultancy, community and campaign Ageism Is Never In St...
Podcast : Back To The F**kture : Ageing
Mature Romance


Mature Romance

From Hollywood to publishing, older women are reclaiming desire, starring in box-office hits and driving a new wave of storytelling that challenges...
Romance : Hollywood : Relationships
Menopause Travel

Micro Trends

Menopause Travel

A wave of luxurious, expert-led travel businesses is shattering taboos and redefining menopause with a focus on education, empowerment and enjoyment.
Menopause : Women's Health : Identities
Game-Changers: The Future of Sports Fandom

Macro Trends

Game-Changers: The Future of Sports Fandom

By embracing new technologies, geographies and audiences, sport is becoming bigger than ever and offering valuable lessons on nurturing a new era o...
Sports & Leisure : Fashion : Pop-culture & Media
Boomers Now and Next: From Ageing to Becoming

Macro Trends

Boomers Now and Next: From Ageing to Becoming

There is an upcoming milestone in the Boomers’ generational journey. By 2030 they will all have reached the average Western retirement age of 65, s...
Generations : Boomers : Demographics
The Great Wealth Transfer

Macro Trends

The Great Wealth Transfer

Wealth ownership, distribution and the politics that influence cross-generational spending are all in flux, according to the latest findings of The...
Luxury : Gen Z : HNWI
She is Mother

Micro Trends

She is Mother

Talented women over 60 are finally getting their flowers and making more money than in their 20s in Hollywood, in modelling and on TikTok.
Society : Media & Entertainment : Youth
Grandpeers Market


Grandpeers Market

In a mindset shift among older consumers, grandparents are becoming grandpeers, sharing platforms with their grandchildren and keen to collaborate.
Society : Technology : Health
Perimenopause Care-munities Market


Perimenopause Care-munities Market

Shifting attitudes are transforming the perimenopause into a force for collective health, highlighting the life stage as interconnected with, and s...
Women's Health : Health And Wellness : Society
Perimenopause Wellness Market


Perimenopause Wellness Market

New approaches to the perimenopause are being defined by self-directed and personalised lifestyle choices, with holistic health solutions encompass...
Health & Wellness : Society : Sports & Leisure
Tech-powered Perimenopause

Micro Trends

Tech-powered Perimenopause

The femtech industry is expanding to cater for later women’s life stages, creating AI-driven solutions that will empower individuals with greater c...
Technology : Health & Wellness : Society
Youth Culture is entering its Flat Age Future


Youth Culture is entering its Flat Age Future

TikTok trends were once thought of as the epitome of youth culture. Now, senior creators and retirement hobbies are blurring the lines between old ...
Social Media : Youth : TikTok
Menopausal empowerment


Menopausal empowerment

Dr Louise Newson, founder of Balance app, uncovers the importance of holistic menopausal wellbeing and educated empowerment for this important life...
Health And Wellness : Health Technology : Menopause
Flat age fitness

Big Ideas

Flat age fitness

Exercise brands are helping senior citizens keep fit and healthy with a new range of innovative tools and accessible digital platforms.
Fitness : Senior : Covid-19
Baby Boomer Travel Market


Baby Boomer Travel Market

Highly independent and driven by a hunger for knowledge, the over-55s are becoming a crucial target market for travel brands.
Travel : Baby Boomers : Hospitality
Why the food revolution is not about progress


Why the food revolution is not about progress

S Margot Finn, author of Discriminating Taste: How Class Anxiety Created the American Food Revolution, explains why our modern appetite for organic...
Food : Society : Sustainability
Georgia Travel Market


Georgia Travel Market

Award-winning hotels, a liberal youth population and sommelier-approved wine tourism are luring culturally curious travellers to the former Soviet ...
Travel : Tourism : Hospitality
Recreation Skincare

Micro Trends

Recreation Skincare

As interest in the great outdoors surges, beauty brands are recognising the need to upgrade the look and ingredients of their personal care products.
Health & Wellness : Beauty : Skincare
How fintech can speak to Generation X and beyond


How fintech can speak to Generation X and beyond

Clare Gambardella, chief customer officer at Zopa, on using design to ensure longevity in a fast-paced sector and improve financial wellness for all.
Finance : Banking : Transparency
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