Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Traceable Fashion

Micro Trends

Traceable Fashion

The trend for the kind of transparent, informative labelling currently associated with the food industry is extending into other areas, as consumer...
Sustainable : Clothing : Labelling
Civic Branding

Micro Trends

Civic Branding

Brands are beginning to shrug off their multinational status and look, instead, at local communities.
Urban : Planning : Branding
Superheroes Anonymous

Micro Trends

Superheroes Anonymous

Superheroes Anonymous
Superheroes : Chaim Lazaros : Customer Service
Learning Shops

Micro Trends

Learning Shops

Learning Shops
Education : Learning : Shops
Retail Hijacking

Micro Trends

Retail Hijacking

Retail Hijacking
Citizen: Citizen : Brand Pharmacy : H&M
Smokers’ Paradise

Micro Trends

Smokers’ Paradise

Smokers’ Paradise
Smoking : Ban : Cigarettes
Fiction Branding

Micro Trends

Fiction Branding

Fiction Branding
Wonka Bar : Nestle : 7-Eleven
Referral Economy

Micro Trends

Referral Economy

Personal recommendation through social networking is taking e-commerce to a new level. Just as eBay has created a near-perfect market for the sales...
Referral : E-commerce : Social Networks
Social Niceworking

Micro Trends

Social Niceworking

Social networking has matured. In addition to the fickle worlds of Facebook and Twitter, a new, more thoughtful, breed of sites is developing. Thes...
Social Networking : Charity : Community
Fast Cash

Micro Trends

Fast Cash

Fast Cash
Pawn Shops : Money : Just Nots

Micro Trends


The latest hot pastime in the world of technology involves toys, sensors, a can-do attitude and a whole lot of fun. Toy-modding, hacking into toys ...
Toys : Hacking : Re-model
Middle-class Proletariat

Micro Trends

Middle-class Proletariat

Middle-class Proletariat
Society : Class : Social

Micro Trends


Feminism : Re-branding : Women
Middle West

Micro Trends

Middle West

Far from being a cultural desert, the Middle East is fast embracing cutting-edge design, art and culture from the west. Driven by oil money and the...
Art : Design : Travel
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