Gen Z

Born 1997–2012, Gen Z are digital natives, socially minded and a rebellious force to be reckoned with.

Web to sparkle in battle for Christmas spend

Big Ideas

Web to sparkle in battle for Christmas spend

Web to sparkle in battle for Christmas spend
E-commerce : Kelkoo : Centre For Retail Research
American Apparel flea market lures Just Nots

Big Ideas

American Apparel flea market lures Just Nots

American Apparel flea market lures Just Nots.
American Apparel : Flea Market : Vintage
Sharing is a smoother experience on Facebook

Big Ideas

Sharing is a smoother experience on Facebook

Sharing is a smoother experience on Facebook
Sharing : Facebook : Frictionless
Home entertainment retail in Sport & Leisurely shift

Big Ideas

Home entertainment retail in Sport & Leisurely shift

Home entertainment retail in Sport & Leisurely shift
Entertainment : DVDs : Gaming
Virtual retail touches down in adidas store

Big Ideas

Virtual retail touches down in adidas store

Virtual retail touches down in adidas store
Adidas : Virtual : Technology
Publishers target kids as Gen D goes app crazy

Big Ideas

Publishers target kids as Gen D goes app crazy

Publishers target kids as Gen D goes app crazy
Apps : Publishing : Entertainment
Smartphone campaign delves deep into women’s handbags

Big Ideas

Smartphone campaign delves deep into women’s handbags

Smartphone campaign delves deep into women’s handbags
Tokyo : Smart Phones : Handbags
World’s cheapest tablet goes on sale in India

Big Ideas

World’s cheapest tablet goes on sale in India

World’s cheapest tablet goes on sale in India
Tablet : Emerging Markets : Mobile
Lego platform builds customer collaboration

Big Ideas

Lego platform builds customer collaboration

Lego platform builds customer collaboration
Architecture : Collaboration : Lego
UPDATE: Infosthetics

Micro Trends

UPDATE: Infosthetics

We first reported on the Infosthetics trend when we noticed that designers, scientists and artists were creating visually innovative ways of presen...
Digital : Culturomics : Google Labs
UK in new baby boom as population reaches 62m

Big Ideas

UK in new baby boom as population reaches 62m

UK in new baby boom as population reaches 62m
Growth : Birth Control : ONS
Anime singer makes an impression on US stage

Big Ideas

Anime singer makes an impression on US stage

Anime singer makes an impression on US stage
Augmented Reality : Music : Live Music
Xbox interface can bring Media to life

Big Ideas

Xbox interface can bring Media to life

Xbox interface can bring Media to life
Gaming : Twitter : Microsoft

Micro Trends


Online retailers are opening store fronts on Facebook, enabling visitors to buy, like and share items with friends. Brands are using the social fea...
Gaming : Exchange : Store Credits
Retailers play ball as prom wear sales soar

Big Ideas

Retailers play ball as prom wear sales soar

Retailers play ball as prom wear sales soar
Asos : Teenagers : Debenhams
Teens: Nigeria and West Africa


Teens: Nigeria and West Africa

Teens make up a significant proportion of West Africans. Forty per cent of residents are under 15, according to the United Nations’ Population Divi...
Nigeria : World Bank : Blackberry
Fanta's new app adds zest for Chinese teens

Big Ideas

Fanta's new app adds zest for Chinese teens

Fanta’s new app adds zest for Chinese teens
China : Gaming : Apps
Open Brands

Micro Trends

Open Brands

In an open-source world, brands are now creating platforms for consumers to behave as producers. With these new platforms, people can invent their ...
Open-source : PŒl Rodenius :
Xbox Experience update will command interest

Big Ideas

Xbox Experience update will command interest

Xbox Experience update will command interest
Gaming : YouTube : File Sharing
Teens: India


Teens: India

Of India’s 1.2bn people, half are under the age of 20, and 163m are teens, according to online newspaper Business Today. By 2015, the proportion of...
India : Business Today : Puma
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