
Everything you need to face your future consumer with confidence, including the latest ethnographic research, generational insight, consumer-related stats and overarching human needs.

 Beauty data trail

Big Ideas

Beauty data trail

Seoul – South Korean beauty start-up Memebox is using data analytics to become the world’s fastest growing beauty brand.
Memebox : South Korean Beauty : Data Analytics
Rejuvenating travel

Big Ideas

Rejuvenating travel

Global – Wellness tourism is continuing to rise, with growth coming from new demographics and locations.
Wellness : Total Beauty : Tourism
Bad education

Big Ideas

Bad education

UK – A new study questions the net costs and benefits of a UK university education.
Education : The Learning Economy : Generation D
Pride of Britain

Big Ideas

Pride of Britain

UK – New research from JWT shows that nearly half of British consumers feel that native brands should be spreading British values abroad.
Brexit : JWT : Recruitment
Trash is treasure

Big Ideas

Trash is treasure

Germany – Trash films do not stand in opposition to taste and education, according to a new study.
Trash Films : Anti-authenticity : Bad Taste
House Vision 2016

Big Ideas

House Vision 2016

A series of cross-industry collaborations and talks at Tokyo’s second House Vision exhibition examined the future of the home and the nature of the...
House Vision : Tokyo : Urbanism
Senior service

Big Ideas

Senior service

US – GoGoGrandparent enables older adults to use ride-hailing services such as Uber without the need for a smartphone.
GoGoGrandparent : The Flat Age Society : Ride-share Market
Surprise me

Big Ideas

Surprise me

US – Pack Up + Go is a travel service with a twist: users only know where they are going when they get to the airport.
Pack Up + Go : Revelation Brands : Travel Experience
Social emotions

Big Ideas

Social emotions

Global – E-commerce website The Outnet has analysed the content of social media posts that relate to ‘thrill’ and ‘joy’ to examine what these emoti...
The Outnet : The Emotional Economy : Pulsar
Personalised pills

Big Ideas

Personalised pills

US – Multiply Labs has developed a personalised pill that releases a predetermined dose of vitamins throughout the day.
Multiply Labs : The Optimised Self : Pills
Hunger heroes

Big Ideas

Hunger heroes

Texas – Unsung is a new app that enables individuals, restaurants and retailers to donate food to those in need.
Food Waste : Whole-system Thinking : Charity App
Cash is out

Big Ideas

Cash is out

London – Supermarket chain Waitrose has opened its first cashless store inside Sky’s head office building.
Waitrose : Cashless Futures : Retail
Quick read

Big Ideas

Quick read

London – A new digital start-up enables customers to order titles from local bookshops and promises to deliver them within one hour.
NearSt : Retail Futures : Convenience
Penny wise

Big Ideas

Penny wise

UK – Since the launch of the 5p plastic bag charge in October 2015, consumers have taken home 6bn fewer bags.
Whole-system Thinking : Sustainability : Recycling
Driving force

Big Ideas

Driving force

Singapore – Delphi is testing a fleet of self-driving cars in collaboration with the Land Transport Authority.
Delphi : Driverless Futures : Singapore
Take me there

Big Ideas

Take me there

US – Hugo Boss has teamed up with Uber to offer customers a new kind of concierge service.
Hugo Boss : Uber : Concierge
Sky stay

Big Ideas

Sky stay

Germany – Airline Lufthansa is selling premium economy seats at a discounted rate on Airbnb.
Lufthansa : The Sharing Economy : AirBNB
Global Beauty Market 2016: Part 2


Global Beauty Market 2016: Part 2

In part two of our Global Beauty Market, we examine the changing cultural attitudes that are giving men even more permission to care about their lo...
Scents : Fragrance : Natural Beauty
Data bank

Big Ideas

Data bank

Germany – Telefónica Deutschland is the first network provider to launch its own mobile banking app.
Telefónica Deutschland : O2 Banking : Mobile Banking
Share the city

Big Ideas

Share the city

New York – A new study reveals the extent of Instagram inequality in one of the world’s most visited cities.
New York : Instagram : Sharing
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