
Daily statistics from around the world highlighting evolving mindsets, attitudes and expectations of consumers, transcending age, race, values and beliefs.

Stat: Agrifood firms believe in regenerative agriculture but adoption is low


Stat: Agrifood firms believe in regenerative agriculture but adoption is low

A September 2023 study by investor network FAIRR reveals that while most food and retail sector giants view regenerative agriculture as a climate c...
Sustainability : Food & Drink : Society
Stat: Nearly all Europeans are highly exposed to hazardous air pollution


Stat: Nearly all Europeans are highly exposed to hazardous air pollution

An investigation by The Guardian has warned of alarming levels of air pollution across Europe in what it calls a severe public health crisis as nea...
Sustainability : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: Gen Z’s main career aspiration is to be an influencer


Stat: Gen Z’s main career aspiration is to be an influencer

According to a report published by decision intelligence company Morning Consult in September 2023, 57% of Gen Z, and 41% of all surveyed adults, s...
Youth : Media & Entertainment : Workplace
Stat: Tackling societal issues on social media does not make brands memorable


Stat: Tackling societal issues on social media does not make brands memorable

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, a new study underlines its significance in establishing brand-consumer trust.
Society : Advertising & Branding : Sustainability
Stat: Alternative milk tops Americans’ plant-based preferences


Stat: Alternative milk tops Americans’ plant-based preferences

New research shows that plant-based milk alternatives are Americans’ most consumed plant-based food and drink items.
Sustainability : Food & Drink : Society
Stat: US consumers move away from second-hand shopping stigma


Stat: US consumers move away from second-hand shopping stigma

In its 2023 Recommerce Report mobile resale marketplace OfferUp has revealed that 76% of surveyed respondents believe the stigma associated with se...
Fashion : Sustainability : Society
Stat: UK’s favourite groceries at risk from climate change


Stat: UK’s favourite groceries at risk from climate change

A new report by Christian Aid warns that more than a fifth of popular grocery items in the UK could be threatened by climate change.
Sustainability : Food & Drink : Society
Stat: Marijuana use among middle-aged Americans at record levels


Stat: Marijuana use among middle-aged Americans at record levels

A recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health has revealed concerning trends in alcohol and marijuana consumption among adults aged 35...
Food & Drink : Society : Health & Wellness
Stat: American Gen Z prefer lip gloss and lip care to outdated lipsticks


Stat: American Gen Z prefer lip gloss and lip care to outdated lipsticks

Released in August 2023, consumer insights firm Circana’s US report on beauty trends in 2023 suggests that Gen Z could be the downfall of the lipst...
Youth : Beauty : Society
Stat: Business leaders plan to spend more on social media


Stat: Business leaders plan to spend more on social media

A 2023 report by Sprout Social and Harris Poll has found that despite the turbulent economy and widespread budget cuts, 80% of business leaders are...
Media & Entertainment : Finance : Advertising & Branding
Stat: Britons no longer believe hard work leads to a better life


Stat: Britons no longer believe hard work leads to a better life

A recent study involving 24 countries has challenged the traditional perception that Britons prioritise work over other aspects of life.
Workplace : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: American Gen Z workers plan to change jobs frequently


Stat: American Gen Z workers plan to change jobs frequently

A report by ResumeLab released in September 2023 suggests that young Americans aren’t planning to stick around for long in the workplace.
Youth : Workplace : Society
Stat: Adults over 60 are nearly invisible in ads despite strong spending power


Stat: Adults over 60 are nearly invisible in ads despite strong spending power

CreativeX, a creative ad tech firm, has revealed that only 4% of individuals featured in advertisements globally in 2022 were over the age of 60.
Advertising & Branding : Society : Media & Entertainment
Stat: What high-net-worth individuals cost the planet


Stat: What high-net-worth individuals cost the planet

Having financial resources doesn’t equate to greater climate responsibility. A new study reveals the disproportionate footprint of high-net-worth i...
Luxury : Travel & Hospitality : Sustainability
Stat: Singaporeans across generations show strong support for local businesses


Stat: Singaporeans across generations show strong support for local businesses

A recent study by American financial service corporation American Express reveals that the majority of Singaporeans are enthusiastic supporters of ...
Retail : Sustainability : Society
Stat: Belief in online conspiracies greater among US teens than adults


Stat: Belief in online conspiracies greater among US teens than adults

A study published in August 2023 has shown that teenagers are significantly more likely to believe online conspiracy theories than older generation...
Youth : Media & Entertainment : Society
Stat: New study finds that anger drives climate activism


Stat: New study finds that anger drives climate activism

A study of more than 2,000 Norwegian adults reveals that anger is a powerful predictor of participation in climate protests, and is seven times str...
Society : Sustainability : Youth
Stat: Recreational drug use is soaring in the US


Stat: Recreational drug use is soaring in the US

American adults are fond of recreational drugs – new data reveals that in 2022, drug use hit an all-time high in the US.
Youth : Cannabis : America
Stat: Britons want working from home to become a legal right


Stat: Britons want working from home to become a legal right

If companies are divided on the topic of remote working, workers are much less so. New data suggests that the British workforce supports flexible w...
Workplace : Stat : Statistic
Stat: US Gen Z do not solely define wealth as financial security


Stat: US Gen Z do not solely define wealth as financial security

In its 2023 Young Investor Research report, US Bank reveals how American Gen Z, in contrast with their elders, define wealth as more than financial...
Gen Z : Finance : United States
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