
Daily statistics from around the world highlighting evolving mindsets, attitudes and expectations of consumers, transcending age, race, values and beliefs.

Stat: Gen Z feel pressure to align food habits with identity


Stat: Gen Z feel pressure to align food habits with identity

Global communications firm Ketchum’s recent survey of 2,000 children and those aged 13 and above explores the distinctive food habits of Generation...
Food & Drink : Society : Gen Zen
Stat: Nearly half of American adults support TikTok ban


Stat: Nearly half of American adults support TikTok ban

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos survey conducted over two days, some 47% of American adults express at least partial support for banning the Ch...
Media : Entertainment : TikTok
Stat: Young Americans delay marriage due to financial concerns


Stat: Young Americans delay marriage due to financial concerns

A recent survey of 906 Gen Z and Millennials conducted by the Thriving Center of Psychology sheds light on the reasons behind young Americans’ hesi...
Youth : Marriage : Gen Zen
Stat: Broadcast news still considered most trustworthy news source in US


Stat: Broadcast news still considered most trustworthy news source in US

A declining interest in news and a surge in video streaming subscriptions have reshaped consumer habits, according to decision intelligence company...
Media : Entertainment : Fake News
Stat: The Great Wealth Transfer comes with challenges for heirs


Stat: The Great Wealth Transfer comes with challenges for heirs

In the next 10 years, 15% of American adults expect to receive an inheritance from a parent, spouse, family member or another individual. But as th...
Finance : Inheritance : Inheritable Futures Laboratory
Stat: Beano Brain reveals Coolest Brands list for Gen Alpha in 2023


Stat: Beano Brain reveals Coolest Brands list for Gen Alpha in 2023

Beano Brain, a kids insights consultancy from the UK’s Beano Studios, has compiled a 2023 Coolest Brands list for Gen Alpha.
Generation Alpha : Generation Zalpha : Gen Zalpha
Stat: Return to office push in UK threatens women’s job hours surge


Stat: Return to office push in UK threatens women’s job hours surge

The drive to bring more British workers back to the office poses a risk to the increase in working hours among women, which was made possible by pa...
Workplaces : Women : Hybrid Working
Stat: Data confirms that Gen Z are avid archivists


Stat: Data confirms that Gen Z are avid archivists

Why are Generation Z obsessed with archival fashion? Fashion insights firm Edited has examined the numbers behind the hype, suggesting that young p...
Fashion : Luxury : Media
Stat: Price war spurs rapid adoption of electric vehicles in China


Stat: Price war spurs rapid adoption of electric vehicles in China

China’s automobile market is witnessing a remarkable surge in electrical vehicle (EV) adoption, fuelled by a fierce price war among manufacturers.
Mobility : China : EV
Stat: UK employers to boost wages in bid to retain staff


Stat: UK employers to boost wages in bid to retain staff

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has found that UK employers intend to implement a median pay increase of 5% within the ...
Salary : Salary Reports : Wellbeing At Work
Stat: Barbie’s success signals a big appetite for real-life entertainment


Stat: Barbie’s success signals a big appetite for real-life entertainment

While Greta Gerwig’s Barbie movie is undoubtedly a culture-defining blockbuster, new data sheds light on the metrics and what the film means for th...
Cinema : Cinemas : Movie
Stat: British consumers feel confused by the skincare industry


Stat: British consumers feel confused by the skincare industry

In a bid to address the growing confusion and misinformation in the skincare industry, popular brand Simple has unveiled its Simple Truth report.
Beauty : Skincare : Clean Beauty
Stat: Mintel report finds US consumers are abandoning plant-based meat category


Stat: Mintel report finds US consumers are abandoning plant-based meat category

A new report from market research company Mintel has found that plant-based meat alternative (PMBA) sales have fallen in the US as consumers shift ...
Food&Drink : Stat : Statistic
Stat: Greenpeace report reveals stark disparity between rail and airline travel costs


Stat: Greenpeace report reveals stark disparity between rail and airline travel costs

A recent report by campaigning organisation Greenpeace highlights that train travel costs four times more than flying from the UK to Europe, indica...
Travel : Mobility : Train Travel
Stat: Extreme weather puts 200m people under heat or flood advisories in the US


Stat: Extreme weather puts 200m people under heat or flood advisories in the US

Some 200m Americans, accounting for 60% of the US population, have been under heat advisories or flood warnings since Thursday 27 July 2023, accord...
Climate Change : Society : Sustainability
Stat: Debunking the real environmental impact of veganism


Stat: Debunking the real environmental impact of veganism

What is the real impact of our diets on the planet? New research reveals that plant-based diets lead to 75% fewer climate-heating emissions, and l...
Food & Drink : Sustianability : Stat
Stat: Electric vehicle charging stations and mileage remain a concern for EV owners


Stat: Electric vehicle charging stations and mileage remain a concern for EV owners

As the electric vehicle (EV) market expands, concerns about charging infrastructure are coming to the fore.
EV : Mobility : Electric Vehicles
Stat: More Americans with disabilities are joining the workforce


Stat: More Americans with disabilities are joining the workforce

The number of Americans living with a disability is rising, but this group are also working more.
Workplace : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: Study suggests women age faster during their 30s and 50s


Stat: Study suggests women age faster during their 30s and 50s

A comprehensive study of 113 women analysing various molecular and physical markers has revealed that women tend to experience accelerated ageing i...
Beauty : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: New study reveals forced labour occurring in US food supply chain


Stat: New study reveals forced labour occurring in US food supply chain

A recent study published in the journal Nature has shed light on a concerning issue in the US food industry.
Workplace : Food & Drink : Society
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