Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Untethered Retail

Micro Trends

Untethered Retail

As brands anchor themselves online and physical stores become costly, fixed retail spaces are increasingly threatened with redundancy. A new set of...
Pop-up : Transient : Stores
Abandoned spaces and unfinished interiors

Micro Trends

Abandoned spaces and unfinished interiors

The recession has resulted in many empty or abandoned spaces and industrial units; as the economy recovers, savvy retailers and hospitality service...
Empty : Disused : Reclaimed
Revamped utilities

Micro Trends

Revamped utilities

The next decade is set to see design re-address forgotten utility spaces; a new wave of experiential designs for banks, dentists and clinics is cat...
Civic : Utlity : Experiential
Webtailing 3.0

Micro Trends

Webtailing 3.0

A new group of webpreneurs is taking inspiration from the experiences of physical retailing, presenting these on-screen in 2D, and creating a new s...
Webpreneurs : Mag-tailing : Phy-gital

Micro Trends


Ostalgie : Russian : Polish
Local social networking

Micro Trends

Local social networking

Local social networking
Social Media : Apps : Community
Virtually Real

Micro Trends

Virtually Real

Virtually Real
Avatars : Pixellated : Characters
New currencies

Micro Trends

New currencies

Recession and lack of trust in financial institutions are leading to growth in new types of currency that trade in knowledge, barter and community-...
B2B : Cash : Payment

Micro Trends


A scientific revolution is stirring in the basements and garages of amateur scientists, who, away from the constraints of institutionalised learnin...
Hackivism : Synththetic : Rewiring
Small car luxe

Micro Trends

Small car luxe

Owning a small car no longer needs to be a sign of diminished wealth. A new type of luxurious small car is catering for well-off city-based custome...
Compact : Car : Fuel-efficient
New Budget Travel & Hospitality

Micro Trends

New Budget Travel & Hospitality

New Budget Travel & Hospitality
Budget : Hotels : No-frills

Micro Trends


Cars : Square : Cube
Going Green

Micro Trends

Going Green

Going Green
Eco-Tourislm : Hotels : Resorts
New FemTech

Micro Trends

New FemTech

New FemTech
Womenomics : Feminism : Intuition
Homestead Traceability

Micro Trends

Homestead Traceability

As the US economy scrapes the bottom of the downturn, a new group of consumers is connecting directly with farmers in search of affordable, locally...
Farming : Organic : Local
Revived Grandeur

Micro Trends

Revived Grandeur

Revived Grandeur
Grand : Belle Epoque : Art Deco
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