Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Check-in Culture

Micro Trends

Check-in Culture

First, people started checking in at their favourite places on Foursquare and Gowalla. Now they are letting others know when they watch tv on Philo...
Twitter : Bars : Philo
Aged Cocktails

Micro Trends

Aged Cocktails

When today’s sophisticated drinkers buy a drink, they no longer simply want to drink the drink. They want an experience, to know their drink’s stor...
Manhattan : Sardine : Dram
The new dinner theatre

Micro Trends

The new dinner theatre

Dinner theatre used to mean theatregoers tucking into roast chicken as they watched a whodunit. Now, however, as good food becomes the norm and sop...
Marije Vogelzang : Bistroteque : Mart’ Guixé
iPad Magazines

Micro Trends

iPad Magazines

As magazines and newspapers scramble to translate their content for the more than 3m iPads that have been sold so far, a number of new titles are l...
Interactive : Graphic Designer : Maverick
Passive Houses

Micro Trends

Passive Houses

The new voice in sustainable architecture is a passive one. Passive houses, whose design criteria were developed in the 1990s by Professor Wolfgang...
Homes : Eco-design : Building
Pay-it-your-way dining

Micro Trends

Pay-it-your-way dining

In a Brandtocracies era, brands are increasingly realising the need to take a civic stance – to be engaged and involved on a community level. The a...
Dining : Restaurant : DIY
Coffee Sensoriums

Micro Trends

Coffee Sensoriums

A group of new coffee emporiums is dismantling the Starbucks-led chain format. These ‘caffeine cathedrals’ are dedicated to the study and worship o...
Coffee : Baristas : Café
Hyperseasonal selling

Micro Trends

Hyperseasonal selling

The concept of cosmetics seasons came, of course, from the catwalk. But as fashion seasons are being challenged, so too is the concept of seasons f...
Seasonal : Trends : Catwalks
The Russian edutainment revolution

Micro Trends

The Russian edutainment revolution

Urban Russians are benefiting from education through entertainment.
Education : Learning : Conference
P2P business

Micro Trends

P2P business

A new group of peer-to-peer (P2P) businesses are borrowing their modus operandi from illegal file-sharing sites, creating physical networks enablin...
Peer-to-peer : Illegal File-Sharing : Websites
The Mobility Movement

Micro Trends

The Mobility Movement

As LS:N Global witnesses the greatest re-invention of the personal mobility market since the horse gave way to the car, we are now seeing the first...
Mobility : Personal : Cars
Luxury Maisons

Micro Trends

Luxury Maisons

As the global economy recovers and prepares for a new turbulent era, so too are the flagship locations of the top luxury brands. New Maison spaces ...
Flagships : Temples : Experience

Micro Trends


In today’s Information Age, we can access and transfer data more freely than ever. This sounds ideal, but there is a problem. While computers and t...
Data : Cloud : Storage
Power Play

Micro Trends

Power Play

In an era of Prohibition Culture, home energy monitors are the new gadgets of choice among green-leaning consumers keen to cut down on waste, reduc...
Energy : Carbon-Footprint : Gadgets
Social Business

Micro Trends

Social Business

A new socially conscious business theory argues that the energy of profit-making organisations must now be harnessed to fulfill human needs without...
Corporate Responsibility : Social : Conscious

Micro Trends


New cooking techniques require a delicate and scientific touch. At Vijante restaurant in east London, part of the Town Hall Hotel development, chef...
Gastronomy : Dining : Theatre
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