Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Food-finding apps

Micro Trends

Food-finding apps

A new wave of smartphones is helping consumers to find gourmet food trucks, word-of-mouth restaurants and lesser-known real-ale pubs with location-...
Gourmet : Apps : Geo-location
Choice Architecture

Micro Trends

Choice Architecture

People struggling with information overload need help in making decisions. Even a nudge in the right direction is appreciated. Brands, products and...
Information : Advise : Guidance
3DIY Culture

Micro Trends

3DIY Culture

With free access to information, and a new norm of open-sourcing, a new type of DIY culture is on the rise. This is 3DIY – Design/Download/Do-It-Yo...
Design : Puma Creative Factory : Thing-O-Matic
Beyond Nostalgia

Micro Trends

Beyond Nostalgia

In the food, drink, art and design sectors, rather than being merely nostalgic about the past, some Revivalists are digging deeper, going further b...
Heritage : Truman's : Dinner

Micro Trends


In pursuit of improved consumer engagement, brands are gamifying their businesses, creating playful products and campaigns that change the relation...
New York : Exchange Bar : Toylets

Micro Trends


In a world of open-sourcing and free information, people are routinely modifying and hacking branded goods to create even better products. In the A...
Music : Fireplayer : Modifying
Rebuilt heritage

Micro Trends

Rebuilt heritage

Today’s consumers prefer their products to have history and to evoke a sense of the past. In response, smart – and new – brands are creating instan...
Quality : Engagement : Union Cycle Works
Show Your Working

Micro Trends

Show Your Working

Just as consumers are interested in the provenance of their food, so they also want to know about other products too. To communicate this, retailer...
Craftsmanship : Moleskine : Mechanism

Micro Trends


Smartphones have changed how we do business and entertain ourselves on the move. Now a breed of phone exists with complete desktop power. This is t...
Gaming : Angry Birds : HD
Coffee Plus

Micro Trends

Coffee Plus

First there was the global coffee emporium. Then in 2010 we reported on the rise of the Coffee Sensorium. These spaces adopted a slower approach to...
Coffee : Bikes : Commuters
Yama Girls

Micro Trends

Yama Girls

In Japan, an increasing number of young women are wearing colourful mountain gear as an urban fashion statement and taking to the mountains. These ...
Nike : Marmot : Hunter
Meet Your Maker

Micro Trends

Meet Your Maker

In the luxury world, technology should resolutely not be a replacement for service. Instead, it should enhance it. Now luxury brands are developing...
Heritage : Modern : IPad
Localised Luxury

Micro Trends

Localised Luxury

The sharp rise in spending power of the BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China, especially the latter, is creating new opportunities and e...
Heritage : Stores : Glocal
Brand friends

Micro Trends

Brand friends

Retail and hospitality brands are no longer promoting their own products exclusively. They are also playing curator, and connecting customers with ...
J Crew : Fernando Br’zio : Shona Heath
Customisation Culture

Micro Trends

Customisation Culture

Luxury brands are launching bespoke products, and using technology to communicate their production processes in a bid to meet the growing need amon...
Heritage : Engraving : Initials
Nostalgic Drinks

Micro Trends

Nostalgic Drinks

In times of economic uncertainty, consumers seek value and quality. In the fields of packaging and design we have already seen how consumers are re...
Bar : KŒken : Alcholo
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