Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Gourmet Junk

Micro Trends

Gourmet Junk

A new wave of independent and small-scale restaurants and retailers are creating premium upscale versions of fast food classics for reformed junk f...
Fast Food : Burgers : Nostalgia

Micro Trends


Staying at home is the new going out in the wake of the global recession. Consumers’ perceptions and expectations of domestic spaces have changed a...
Staying In : Recession : Domesticity
London Safari

Micro Trends

London Safari

Innovations and experiments abound in Europe’s global capital.
London : New North Press : Topman General Store
Positive Patriotism

Micro Trends

Positive Patriotism

The positive emotion of patriotism and pro-local can turn into the negative anger of protectionism, anti-globalism and nationalism. Brands who walk...
Patriotic : Turbulent Teens : Stone Island
UPDATE: Infosthetics

Micro Trends

UPDATE: Infosthetics

We first reported on the Infosthetics trend when we noticed that designers, scientists and artists were creating visually innovative ways of presen...
Digital : Culturomics : Google Labs
Revivalist Food Brands

Micro Trends

Revivalist Food Brands

Just as smaller, nimbler food retailers are responding to Revivalism, so, too, are major brands. Many are revisiting and resurrecting loved, but lo...
Coca-Cola : Cadbury's : Doritoz
Game Systems

Micro Trends

Game Systems

Recognising the coming era of Ubiquitous Gaming Culture, a few pioneers are not only adding a gaming layer to the everyday, they are completely re-...
School : Hyperglance : Software
Sustainable Sushi

Micro Trends

Sustainable Sushi

Sushi, the artful Japanese dish, is edging higher up the critical list every day. In response to the alarming consequences on the marine environmen...
Organic : Fishing : Eco-conscious

Micro Trends


Online retailers are opening store fronts on Facebook, enabling visitors to buy, like and share items with friends. Brands are using the social fea...
Gaming : Exchange : Store Credits
Mexican Micro-Breweries

Micro Trends

Mexican Micro-Breweries

A craft beer breakthrough is bubbling in Mexico as social media-savvy consumers and rebel brewers challenge the old guard.
Craft : El Deposito : Dos Equis
Open Brands

Micro Trends

Open Brands

In an open-source world, brands are now creating platforms for consumers to behave as producers. With these new platforms, people can invent their ...
Open-source : PŒl Rodenius : Quirky.com
Patriot Purchasing

Micro Trends

Patriot Purchasing

In this turbulent age, consumers around the world are becoming more interested in where things are from – and, especially, whether they are made in...
Heritage : I Love Soweto : Pro-Mao
Simpler Experiences

Micro Trends

Simpler Experiences

As well as seeking simpler products, consumers, overwhelmed by information and choices, want simpler experiences.
Tesco : Click N Collect : Boarding Pass
Gamified World

Micro Trends

Gamified World

Businesses, organisations and institutions are increasingly using game mechanics to transform everyday tasks, leading to a gamified world.
Gaming : Points : Challenges

Micro Trends


In the Anarconomy Decade, with revolution in the air, people increasingly want direction and leadership. Brands are responding with more engaging s...
Google : Wael Ghonim : Comment

Micro Trends


Revivalists spend their leisure time learning old crafts and skills, and then using those skills to produce objects that combine beauty and utility.
Craftsmanship : Angling : Birdwatching
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