Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Next-Gen R&D Labs

Micro Trends

Next-Gen R&D Labs

A new generation of R&D labs are emerging to meet consumers’ expectations on product quality and efficacy, while supporting underserved communities.
Beauty : Manufacturing : Science
Solar Sustenance

Micro Trends

Solar Sustenance

The sun is rising once again as a source of inspiration for food and drink brands, which are exploring solar sustenance as a long-term solution to ...
Food : Drink : Sustainability
Next-level Hedonism

Micro Trends

Next-level Hedonism

Following years of pandemic-related social restrictions, consumers in the US in particular are prioritising pleasure – and indulging in next-level ...
Youth : Hospitality : Fashion
Indigenous Influencers

Micro Trends

Indigenous Influencers

Digital inclusion must mean embracing Indigenous culture. There are lessons in this for all businesses striving to embrace inclusivity.
Technology : Media & Entertainment : Society
The New News

Micro Trends

The New News

As consumers seek an alternative to the 24-hour news cycle, media outlets are racing to re-invent themselves for the next generation.
Society : Media & Entertainment : Design
Airborne Stays

Micro Trends

Airborne Stays

A new category of travel experiences is taking off and catering for a growing appetite for air-scapism – airborne cruises where the flight and dest...
Luxury : Travel & Hospitality : Technology
The Awe Economy

Micro Trends

The Awe Economy

Brands are harnessing the science behind awe to create experiences that invoke wonder and awaken self-transcendence.
Travel & Hospitality : Design : Architecture
Tinned Tipples

Micro Trends

Tinned Tipples

Climate change, resource scarcity and the cost of living crisis are driving the fine wine industry to accelerate its transition to tins.
Drink : Society : Packaging
Activist OOH Advertising

Micro Trends

Activist OOH Advertising

As the climate crisis becomes an increasing concern, brands are turning their physical billboards into instruments of activism.
Drink : Advertising & Branding : Sustainability
Doom Dressing

Micro Trends

Doom Dressing

Driven by a gathering mood of pessimism, a new dark, dystopian and eerie aesthetic is emerging, infused with satire and subversion.
Identity : Fashion : Climate Change
Tech-powered Perimenopause

Micro Trends

Tech-powered Perimenopause

The femtech industry is expanding to cater for later women’s life stages, creating AI-driven solutions that will empower individuals with greater c...
Technology : Health & Wellness : Society
Nature Stakeholders

Micro Trends

Nature Stakeholders

As companies face growing criticism for climate inaction, some organisations are paving the way forward by electing nature as a legal stakeholder.
Sustainability : Nature : Faith In Nature
Digital Conservation

Micro Trends

Digital Conservation

Conservationists are using technology as a form of safeguarding through the process of digitising historical and geological specimens and artefacts.
Design : Sustainability : Technology
Automotive Accommodation

Micro Trends

Automotive Accommodation

With global car sales in decline, premium automotive brands are entering the property market, using car-branded condos to diversify their product o...
Mobility : Travel & Hospitality : Luxury

Micro Trends


AI is pushing the boundaries of brand and consumer interactions, creating experimental and sensorial campaigns that exceed consumers’ new expectati...
Design : Marketing : Advertising
Prestige Pets

Micro Trends

Prestige Pets

As dog ownership booms and birth rates decline, fashion brands are getting involved in the lucrative luxury pet economy.
Luxury : Fashion : Society
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