Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

User Curated Retail

Micro Trends

User Curated Retail

Scrapbooking social media networks have created a new wave of curator consumers who are becoming a powerful commercial force thanks to their daily ...
Scrapbooking : Social Media : Curation
Packaged Interiors

Micro Trends

Packaged Interiors

Retailers are giving packaging a new creative role in the selling experience. As well as providing the take-away brand experience, packaging is bec...
Packaging : Interiors : Visual Merchandising
Personality Brands

Micro Trends

Personality Brands

Brands, retailers and marketers are embracing fictional characters and personae to sell brands and help them better connect with consumers.
Faction Marketing : Interiors : Storytelling
Melbourne Safari

Micro Trends

Melbourne Safari

A vibrant hub of arts and culture, Melbourne is one of the world’s most creative cities.
Melbourne : Lost & Found Hotel Room : Roberts & Hassett
Different Design every time

Micro Trends

Different Design every time

In a continually evolving digital world, the traditional rules of branding and design no longer apply. Companies are creating website designs and b...
Web Design : Brand Identity : MIT
Synaesthetic Selling Update

Micro Trends

Synaesthetic Selling Update

Smart brands have long used sensory stimulation to steer consumer behaviour. Now, a few are going further. Based on the principle of synaesthesia, ...
Synaesthesia : Senses : Experience

Micro Trends


Magazines and newspapers are launching festivals in a bid to engage their readers, add depth to their brand and reinforce their credentials as thou...
Festivals : Editorial : Magazines
Millennial Hotels

Micro Trends

Millennial Hotels

Young, affluent Millennials are becoming an increasingly dominant group in the travel market: travel spending by Millennials rose by 20% in 2010, a...
Boutique : Social : Entertainment
App Travel

Micro Trends

App Travel

The way consumers plan and book their holidays has transformed over the past few years. Over half of all travellers now carry a smartphone on their...
Travel Arrangements : Reservations : Flying
New Sublimity Tourism

Micro Trends

New Sublimity Tourism

Since one in three people feel overwhelmed by communications technology, more consumers are looking for ways to disconnect from their digital lives...
Switch Off : Contemplation : Quiet
At The Source

Micro Trends

At The Source

The supply chain is increasingly coming into focus as consumers seek greater transparency and demand ethical behaviour from brands at every stage o...
Supply Chain : Transparency : Ethical
On/Off Retail

Micro Trends

On/Off Retail

US online retailer Gilt Groupe recently teamed up with GQ magazine to open a pop-up version of its men’s store Park & Bond in New York. For its Chr...
Website : Physical Stores : Online Retail
Beijing Safari

Micro Trends

Beijing Safari

What happens in the Chinese capital tends to filter down to the rest of the country.
Nendo : Mrs Shanen's : Great Leap Brewing
The Curator Generation

Micro Trends

The Curator Generation

The Curator Generation
Tumblr : Pinterest : Curation
Digital Archaeology

Micro Trends

Digital Archaeology

In space, according to the tagline to the 1979 film Alien, no one can hear you scream. Online, it’s the opposite. On the internet everyone can find...
Footprint : Internet : Facebook
Return of the GIF

Micro Trends

Return of the GIF

Return of the GIF
GIF : Video Sharing : Marketing
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