Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Small-box retail

Micro Trends

Small-box retail

What’s in the box this month? Subscription-based e-tail – where consumers pay a fee to have a selection of products regularly delivered to them – h...
E-tail : E-commerce : Subscription
Tokyo Safari

Micro Trends

Tokyo Safari

In Japan's ever-changing capital, young creators experiment with the old and the new.
Aoyama : Revivalism : The Tomorrow Store
Electro Luxe Motors

Micro Trends

Electro Luxe Motors

In a bid to appeal to upmarket commuters seeking quicker, cleaner and more efficient congestion-beating transport, a few carmakers are diversifying...
Efficiency : Green : Sustainable
Point to Purchase

Micro Trends

Point to Purchase

Interruption advertising and brash product placement are being supplanted by content-rich buying platforms that do not jar with viewer or customer ...
Video : V-Commerce : Content
Car Homes

Micro Trends

Car Homes

As the car industry edges towards engine electrification, forward-thinking manufacturers such as Volvo and Toyota are seeking better integration of...
Symbiotic Branding : Symbiotic Architecture : Electric Vehicles
Crowdsource Luxe

Micro Trends

Crowdsource Luxe

Luxury brands and retailers are opening their product inspiration, design and collection-buying to the masses via crowdsourcing – and in increasing...
Luxury : Crowdsourcing : Scrapbooking
Paris Safari

Micro Trends

Paris Safari

Paris is home to a new generation re-inventing the French way of life.
Paris : Le Carmen : Brunch Bazar
Faction films

Micro Trends

Faction films

As transmedia storytelling becomes the norm, content creators are heightening the sense of reality behind narratives by blurring the lines between ...
Transmedia : Storytelling : Social Networking
Sounds of the City

Micro Trends

Sounds of the City

Near-silent motion was initially seen as a wholly positive attribute of the new wave of electric vehicles (EVs) in lessening the aural impact of tr...
Electric Vehicles : Cars : Transport
You, the editor

Micro Trends

You, the editor

Media is no longer about bottom-down communication, but about bottom-up collaborations. Smart brands are handing over creative control to their aud...
Social Media : Publications : Media
Tandem Transport

Micro Trends

Tandem Transport

In a bid to find more efficient ways to transport people while using less road space, car manufacturers are radically rethinking the shape of their...
Vehicles : Travel : Cars

Micro Trends


As music becomes increasingly digitised, consumers are beginning to miss the tactile experiences associated with buying it in its physical form.
Music : Experience : Albums
Fan Power

Micro Trends

Fan Power

More bands and musicians are partially handing over creative control to fans, giving them a greater sense of ownership over the material, and makin...
Music : Ambassador : Sound

Micro Trends


A growing number of digital start-ups are creating new apps that provide consumers with easy ways to film, edit and share videos using their smartp...
Apps : Video Content : Smartphones
New Football

Micro Trends

New Football

Changing attitudes in British football are being reflected in the language, tone and content that brands are using to target sport fans. Companies ...
Sport : Premier League : Journals
Supersize shopping

Micro Trends

Supersize shopping

The average retail space is increasing in size as brands shift from a model of fewer, but more impressive, flagship stores.
Flagships : Shopping : Malls
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