Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Expansionist Brands

Micro Trends

Expansionist Brands

At present, a key focus for many multinational brands is working out how they can enter and succeed in emerging markets. Most have yet to consider ...
Emerging Markets : Local Brands : Localism
Lo-hi Retail: update

Micro Trends

Lo-hi Retail: update

Mass-market fast fashion retailers are moving into premium high street territory as they attempt to plug into the value-driven, but aspirational de...
Value : Masstige : Collaboration

Micro Trends


As demand slows in Western Europe and North America, the world’s leading beverage companies are increasingly looking to Africa’s New Emerging Afflu...
African : Innovation : Alcohol
Art-dustrial Revolution

Micro Trends

Art-dustrial Revolution

In step with the symbiosis movement, unexpected partnerships are emerging as artisans and designers collaborate with professionals from heavy indus...
Production : Industrial : Symbiosis

Micro Trends


Small brands are hijacking the logos and names of more established brands to increase their influence. Often using the same visual cues and names, ...
Branding : Highjacking : Fairy

Micro Trends


Smart brands are using the expectations of one brand to convey the values of another in acts of Brandalism. These Brandalists are crashing competit...
Branding : Vandalism : Competition
Symbiotic Architecture

Micro Trends

Symbiotic Architecture

A group of architects and designers are adopting the principles of Symbiotic Branding and translating them to the built environment.
Symbiosis : Building : Environment
Bruise Control

Micro Trends

Bruise Control

The Bruise make-up trend seems unusual on first encounters, yet in fact it reflects a mood that is permeating the current fashion collections. It h...
Bruising : Catwalk : Utilitarian

Micro Trends


Multinational brands that are used to shipping their goods in bulk to established and often big-box retailers are in for a shock. Formal retail is ...
New Emerging Affluents : Martin Sorrell : Jaideep Prabhu
São Paulo Safari

Micro Trends

São Paulo Safari

The most important city in the largest country in Latin America is buzzing with energy.
São Paulo : Butcher's Market : Lions Nightclub
My Story Apps

Micro Trends

My Story Apps

Consumers are increasingly using social media platforms to project an enhanced, edited and celebrity version of themselves. Now, a new host of bran...
Storytelling : Apps : Social Media
Shoppable Videos

Micro Trends

Shoppable Videos

International – Fashion brands and retailers are buying into the shoppable video format as v-commerce becomes more popular, and looks set to become...
V-Commerce : Video Sharing : Future Media
Sydney Safari

Micro Trends

Sydney Safari

Sydney is Australia’s most international and populous city, with more than 4m inhabitants. 
Show Your Working : The Balmain Boat Company : Sydney Sustainable Markets

Micro Trends


Inviting a big-name avant-garde designer or architect to design your store is a well-trodden path for luxury brands keen to impress their cultured ...
Avant-garde : Masstige : Design
Stakeholder Brands

Micro Trends

Stakeholder Brands

Lifestyle brands, restaurants and fashion retailers are inviting their biggest fans and consumers to become stakeholders, through bonds and click-t...
Bonds : Shares : Investment
Yard Shares

Micro Trends

Yard Shares

A small but growing number of US families are sharing larger back yards, gardens and gardening responsibilities with neighbouring families, and enj...
Gardening : Sharing : Community
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