Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.


Micro Trends


Nearly a decade after its launch, Facebook has become the social network of choice for millions of consumers around the globe. But as it becomes in...
Membership : Bebo : Private Social Network
Sensory Splurge

Micro Trends

Sensory Splurge

Decades of scientific studies have shown that women have superior olfactory abilities, including the ability to remember smells. Smart brands are c...
Norway : Sex : Aroma
No-bollocks Boutique

Micro Trends

No-bollocks Boutique

Today, brands often use words such as ‘artisanal’ and ‘authentic’ in an attempt to attract consumers. But this over-laboured language often detract...
Skincare : Online Membership : Think Positive
Re-valorised Sport

Micro Trends

Re-valorised Sport

A new wave of campaigns, clothing ranges and publications are focusing on the intrepidness, dedication and sacrifice demanded by athletes, re-intro...
Rapha : Agi & Sam : Athletes
Sexy Sweat

Micro Trends

Sexy Sweat

Women are getting a sweat on, and these days they are not afraid to show it. Once a taboo, businesses, brands and blogs are now helping women to ce...
Nike : Sports Lab : Sport Cosmetics
Mantasy Blogs

Micro Trends

Mantasy Blogs

In a world without men, sometimes you just have to make them up. This is part of the philosophy behind Mantasy blogs, a genre that juxtaposes pictu...
Publishing : Storyboard : Memes
Tobacco Fragrances

Micro Trends

Tobacco Fragrances

Beauty brands are moving away from the tried and tested floral notes traditionally used in fragrances in favour of the smoky, eccentric scent of to...
Perfume : Tobacco : 1920s

Micro Trends


Drawn to the simplicity and honesty of the era, men are experiencing a wave of affection for the 1970s.
Craft : Night Clubs : Sepia

Micro Trends


These are uncertain times. For men, it is difficult to know where to turn to for advice on the little things in life. As a result, a new micro-genr...
Publishing : Fatherhood : Good Men Project

Micro Trends


As homosexuality continues to gain acceptance in mainstream culture, hip-hop is becoming more open to androgynous influences as both gay and straig...
Music : Hood By Air : Homophobia
Mass-custom Beauty

Micro Trends

Mass-custom Beauty

Beauty brands have long been pigeon-holing consumers into groups, dictating what products they should buy for their skin type, hair colour and life...
Cosmetics : Beauty Lab : Syringe
New Artocracies

Micro Trends

New Artocracies

The clink of an auction house gavel is giving way to the click of a mouse as the art world moves online.
Google : Artsy : Paddle 8

Micro Trends


A new wave of lifestyle titles and platforms are targeting the savvy, interiors-minded male consumer.
Magazines : Male : Interiors
Resurrection Stores

Micro Trends

Resurrection Stores

Grand department stores are staging a retail resurrection. They are coming back to life as new and improved versions of their venerable old selves,...
Department Stores : Malls : Shopping
Home-grown Luxury

Micro Trends

Home-grown Luxury

A new breed of luxury brands is emerging from developing economies, starting a shift in the industry away from the traditional domination of Paris,...
Domestic : Local Brands : Distribution
Soviet Style

Micro Trends

Soviet Style

Twenty two years after the fall of the Soviet Union, designers are referencing visuals from the Eastern Bloc, resulting in a nostalgic look back th...
Bars : Soviet Union : Communist
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