Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Whole-chain Thinking

Micro Trends

Whole-chain Thinking

Innovative start-ups are embracing vertical integration as a way of appealing to authenticity-hungry Millennials.
Vertical Integration : Shoes Of Prey : Zady

Micro Trends


In the UK, both ‘chav’ and ‘hipster’ are pejorative terms. Now a new hybrid youth aesthetic and lifestyle are emerging from the tail end of these m...
UK : Hipster : Just Nots
Virtual Browsing

Micro Trends

Virtual Browsing

Traditionally, online shopping has meant speed and convenience, but online stores are borrowing the experiential elements of physical retail, ...
Kenzo : Online : Experience
Mass Tap

Micro Trends

Mass Tap

As consumers seek increasingly intuitive technological interactions, brands are simplifying previously complex processes into a simple tap.
Intuitive Futures : Mass Tap : Awakening Tech
Everyday Re-enchantment

Micro Trends

Everyday Re-enchantment

The advent of the Internet of Things need not mean a house full of sterile hubs and sensors. Increasingly, LS:N Global has noted a marriage of tech...
Awakening Tech : Delirious Home : Yves Béhar
New York Safari 2014

Micro Trends

New York Safari 2014

New York remains the nerve centre of American creativity across the media, fashion and finance industries, even as a new crop of technology and e...
New York : Millennials : Experience Economy
Online Escapism

Micro Trends

Online Escapism

Digital experiences are taking on dream-like qualities and even mimicking drug-fuelled highs.
Awakening Tech : Game As Art : Game Imitates Art
Digital Collecting

Micro Trends

Digital Collecting

Art that is created and consumed on screens is catching on thanks to its low cost, portability and anti-elitist image.
Digital Art : Neon Mob : Sedition
Big Data Beauty

Micro Trends

Big Data Beauty

Beauty brands are harnessing the power of big data to create engaging campaigns, apps and platforms.
Big Data : Apps : Beauty
Aspirational Fakes

Micro Trends

Aspirational Fakes

As the art world questions how luxury brands create value in a globalised supply chain, designers are celebrating bootleg aesthetics and surreal ...
Bootleg : Instagram : Memes
St Petersburg Safari

Micro Trends

St Petersburg Safari

While Communism has left its mark on St Petersburg, buildings have been restored in recent years and are being re-appropriated as co-working space...
St Petersburg : Ginza Project : Ligovsky 50
Flawed Fashions

Micro Trends

Flawed Fashions

Bored and disenfranchised by the airbrushed vapidity of mainstream fashion, some designers are celebrating imperfection, chiming with The Sharded...
The Sharded Self : Me-conomy : The Me-Conomy

Micro Trends


Consumers have a love-hate relationship with Instagram’s cult of lifestyle curation.
Instagram : Social Media : Happiness
Smart Philanthropy

Micro Trends

Smart Philanthropy

Forget charity galas and fundraisers – brands are using smart crowdsourcing strategies to convert unused consumer resources such as mobile data a...
Humanitarian Campaigns : Unused Resources : Crowd-sourcing
Sweet Tooth Hospitality

Micro Trends

Sweet Tooth Hospitality

Sugar may be the new gluten – the latest foodstuff to be targeted in the media – but despite the bad press, a host of new restaurants and retailers...
Dessert : The Pudding Bar : Luxury
Tech Luxe

Micro Trends

Tech Luxe

The luxury market has traditionally been slow to embrace new technology. Yet as consumers’ lives become more digital, things are changing. Increasi...
Tech Luxe : Jonathan Siboni : Activie
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