Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Health-conscious Kids

Micro Trends

Health-conscious Kids

As society becomes more health-conscious, wellness is trickling down to the youngest generation.
WellJelly : China Drewitt : Fitness Trackers
Beyond the Label

Micro Trends

Beyond the Label

Food and drink brands and retailers are fighting the lack of clarity in the industry by offering more information than that normally provided on fo...
Transparency : Target : Labels
Surprise Destinations

Micro Trends

Surprise Destinations

Luxury travel consumers are tired of choice and instead are looking for experiences that surprise.
Luxury Travel : Concierge : Revalation Brands
Band Brands

Micro Trends

Band Brands

Once band merchandise was the preserve of kids who like heavy metal, but now it has become a booming industry that has expanded well beyond its roo...
Merchandise : Fashion : Anti-Authenticity
Anti-choice Architecture

Micro Trends

Anti-choice Architecture

Turned off by the model of mass-consumption, a new wave of luxury brands are removing excessive choice from the buying process in favour of a more ...
Stuffocation : Anti-Choice : Minimalism
Brand Educators

Micro Trends

Brand Educators

Higher education is the next frontier for brands wanting to act as life-long partners to consumers.
Immortal Brand : Luxury : Education
Culinary Diplomacy

Micro Trends

Culinary Diplomacy

Welcome to a new wave of Culinary Diplomacy, where food is used to forge closer relationships with consumers.
Chefs-in-residence : The E-motional Economy : In Situ
Seeing Sound

Micro Trends

Seeing Sound

Podcasts are adapting to a visual-first culture.
Podcasts : Transmedia Futures : Audio
Pro-formance Training

Micro Trends

Pro-formance Training

Performance technology is growing up.
Wearable Tech : Self Quants : The Optimised Self
Airbnb Backlash

Micro Trends

Airbnb Backlash

The peer-to-peer home rental service's growth is causing friction with both local communities and the hotel industry.
Airbnb : The Sharing Economy : Hospitality
Highly Sensitive

Micro Trends

Highly Sensitive

For consumers, skin sensitivity is the new anti-ageing.
Sensitive Skin : Pollution : Skincare
Motherhood Bites

Micro Trends

Motherhood Bites

New restaurants, food events and delivery services are feeding parents and their children while respecting their individual identities.
Motherhood : Parenting : Restaurants
Gateway Garments

Micro Trends

Gateway Garments

Electronics brands are developing technology that has the potential to disrupt the fashion supply chain by turning our clothes into smart interfaces.
Connected : Smart Fabric : Big Data
Neutral Beauty

Micro Trends

Neutral Beauty

The beauty industry is reflecting a shift in mindset with products that present a neutral aesthetic.
Neutral Culture : Fragrance : Makeup
Sort by Serendipity

Micro Trends

Sort by Serendipity

Brands are creating new sorting systems that foster discovery over obvious organisation.
Revelation Brands : Visual Merchandising : Serendipity
Gastronomy Fetish

Micro Trends

Gastronomy Fetish

Just when we thought we couldn’t stomach any more food porn, creative industries are raising their game with a new blend of erotic exploration and ...
Culinary Culture : Sensory : ASMR
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