Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Sleep Easy Travel

Micro Trends

Sleep Easy Travel

There is a new focus on sleep in the travel market as consumers look to avoid stress, fatigue and jet lag.
Travel : Hospitality : Luxury
Inclusive Fitness

Micro Trends

Inclusive Fitness

New fitness influencers and gyms are showing how being fit and healthy doesn’t have to be the preserve of affluent white people.
Fitness : Wellness : Health
Intuitive Pleasure

Micro Trends

Intuitive Pleasure

Women-founded sex technology companies are ushering in a new era that features a much more considered and nuanced approach to a woman’s sexuality a...
Wellness : Health : Female
Modern Fertility

Micro Trends

Modern Fertility

With infertility a growing problem, consumers are increasingly turning to smartphone apps and devices for advice and to track their health.
Health : Wellness : Infertility
Accessible Premium

Micro Trends

Accessible Premium

From taking the idea of the dollar store online to the rejection of big brands, retailers are exploring how they can democratise quality and bring...
Retail : Digital : The American Middle

Micro Trends


As cryptocurrencies edge into the mainstream, more and more brands are looking to them as a means to tap into the rewards and incentives market, w...
Retail : Digital : Finance

Micro Trends


With convenience a key priority for consumers, brands are exploring the potential of dynamic selling spaces in non-traditional locations.
Retail : Digital : Technology
Elite Athletes

Micro Trends

Elite Athletes

New elite training camps are catering for aspiring amateur athletes who want to invest in self-improvement to an Olympic level.
Luxury : Travel : Wellness

Micro Trends


Luxury travel experiences are becoming the new collectors’ items – and the less accessible they are the more aspirational they are for luxurians.
Luxury : Travel : Hospitality
Digital Store Fronts

Micro Trends

Digital Store Fronts

The future of online shopping is being shaped by visual-first digital experiences.
Retail : Youth : Digital
Safe Spaces

Micro Trends

Safe Spaces

Generation Z are creating safe spaces out of a frustration at a lack of representation of women, people of colour and LGBTQ+ people.
Youth : Identity : Belonging
No-bar bars

Micro Trends

No-bar bars

While the branded back bar will never fully disappear, recent openings are experimenting with interiors that put less focus on the bottles, and mor...
Drink : Alcohol : Bars
Anti-intuitive Cooking

Micro Trends

Anti-intuitive Cooking

New packaged food products and at-home appliances are making it easier to cook gourmet food at home.
Food : Technology : Convenience
Pollution Apparel

Micro Trends

Pollution Apparel

Leading creatives are using water pollution as a resource to highlight unsustainable production practices in the fashion industry and offer alterna...
Fashion : Apparel : Sustainability
Countering Counterfeits

Micro Trends

Countering Counterfeits

As fashion counterfeiters become smarter and more relentless in their approach, brands and consumers are looking to digital tools and technology in...
Fashion : Apparel : Technology
Immersive Interfaces

Micro Trends

Immersive Interfaces

New phygital interfaces are reshaping branded spaces and our personal environments.
Technology : Design : Retail
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