Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Blockchain Biology

Micro Trends

Blockchain Biology

Blockchain-based services are empowering consumers not only to take ownership of their personal health data but also to monetise it.
Wellness : Beauty : Health
Displaced Drinks

Micro Trends

Displaced Drinks

As climate change affects where ingredients are grown and consumers demand more local products, brands are challenging what provenance and sense of...
Food : Drinks : Alcohol
Carb Revival

Micro Trends

Carb Revival

Restaurants and brands are reframing carbohydrates in a positive light, as new science questions current thinking on bread and pasta.
Food : Educated Eating : Health
Demand-led Design

Micro Trends

Demand-led Design

A new fashion business model is emerging, with start-ups re-inventing the made-to-order system through a pre-production process that is purely digi...
Fashion : Retail : Manufacturing
Sustainable Music Streaming

Micro Trends

Sustainable Music Streaming

As consumers become aware of the financial and ethical implications of their listening preferences, new platforms are emerging that take a more con...
Digital : Youth : Retail
Hybrid Gaming

Micro Trends

Hybrid Gaming

Combining VR and AR with escape games, laser tag and drones, a new category of immersive interactive gaming is emerging in the leisure sector.
Youth : Technology : Leisure
Life-stage Brands

Micro Trends

Life-stage Brands

From adolescence to menopause, brands are helping to alleviate the biological inconveniences of being a woman.
Female Futures : Wellness : Marketing
Shaving Rebranded

Micro Trends

Shaving Rebranded

As body positivity gains momentum, shaving brands are adopting a more inclusive language that celebrates men’s and women’s myriad attitudes to body...
Beauty : Branding : Wellness
Empowered Travel

Micro Trends

Empowered Travel

In an industry tainted by colonial roots, travel brands are shifting their priorities towards the empowerment and rights of indigenous residents.
Travel : Hospitality : Culture
Female Highs

Micro Trends

Female Highs

With the pharmaceutical industry under scrutiny for not accommodating women’s needs, female consumers are turning to marijuana as a new approach to...
Wellness : Cannabis : Health
At-home Fitness

Micro Trends

At-home Fitness

A new wave of devices are designed to ease the impact of busy, modern living by making at-home fitness more immersive, efficient and effective.
Health : Wellbeing : Technology
Furniture as a Service

Micro Trends

Furniture as a Service

With consumers less willing and less able to establish permanent homes, furniture brands are having to develop products and services that don’t rel...
Retail : Furniture : Hospitality
Social Media Music

Micro Trends

Social Media Music

While streaming services have expanded our musical libraries, a new generation of artists are creating records with our digital habits in mind.
Youth : Entertainment : Digital
Young Bibliophiles

Micro Trends

Young Bibliophiles

Despite the time they spend online young people still want traditional book formats. Brands and influencers are therefore using digital channels to...
Youth : Reading : YouTube
Evening Waters

Micro Trends

Evening Waters

Amid consumers’ rising concern about the effect of alcohol on their health, a series of versatile waters are emerging intended for evening consumpt...
Water : Non-alcoholic : Nightcap
Alternative Intoxication

Micro Trends

Alternative Intoxication

With alcohol losing favour among consumers, cannabis-infused drinks are set to offer an alternative for those still seeking some form of intoxication.
Drink : Cannabis : CBD
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