Micro Trends

Specific shifts in consumer behaviour that are changing the business environment in the short term.

Co-mmunity Spaces

Micro Trends

Co-mmunity Spaces

New hospitality spaces are drawing inspiration from co-working and members’ clubs with hybrid offerings that mix work, play and rest under one roof.
Workplace : Society : Hospitality
Nature+ Beauty

Micro Trends

Nature+ Beauty

As supplies of raw ingredients dwindle, bio-technology is stepping in to challenge beauty brands and consumers to forge new definitions of natural.
Beauty : Sustainability : Bio-technology
Social Elixirs

Micro Trends

Social Elixirs

Non-alcoholic brands are targeting conscious hedonists with flavourful, functional drinks created for sober social occasions – and better bedtimes.
Drinks : Sobriety : Wellness
Research Cities

Micro Trends

Research Cities

From Canada to Japan, a series of masterplans for future cities will see tomorrow’s urban enclaves double as live test hubs for global technology f...
Architecture : Technology : Society
Voyage Apparel

Micro Trends

Voyage Apparel

Clothing and accessories brands are catering for Liberated Luxurians with new collections and services for ever-more peripatetic affluent c...
Luxury : Fashion : Travel
Togetherness Travel

Micro Trends

Togetherness Travel

With modern families and friends dispersed across the world, people are turning to travel as a way to stay physically connected.
Travel : Tourism : Hospitality
Piercing Pioneers

Micro Trends

Piercing Pioneers

Brands are modernising the coming-of-age ritual of piercing for a new generation of teenagers who are keen to experiment with their identity.
Retail : Youth : DTC
DTC Directories

Micro Trends

DTC Directories

A crop of third-party platforms are offering new ways to filter through the growing number of digital and direct-to-consumer brands.
Retail : DTC : Shopping
At-home Epigenetics

Micro Trends

At-home Epigenetics

As research into the field of epigenetics advances, new at-home testing kits are emerging that enable consumers to take control of their own health.
Wellness : Epigenetics : Health
Young Nativists

Micro Trends

Young Nativists

Generation Z are reconnecting with their indigenous roots, seeking communities and travel experiences that preserve ancestral knowledge.
Youth : Travel : Hospitality
Skincare Networks

Micro Trends

Skincare Networks

New online platforms are cutting through hyperbolic content with peer and expert advice designed to improve personal routines and product development.
Beauty : Skincare : Peer To Peer
Flexitarian Meats

Micro Trends

Flexitarian Meats

Food products that mix meat with a healthy dose of vegetables are becoming a gateway for consumers curious about flexitarianism and plant-based eat...
Food : Meat : Health
Grown-up Sodas

Micro Trends

Grown-up Sodas

Consumers’ increasingly global palates are driving demand for complex flavoured soft drinks that have the double benefit of being alcohol-free.
Drinks : Soft Drinks : Non-alcoholic
Privacy Hardware

Micro Trends

Privacy Hardware

As digital privacy and data breaches become pertinent issues, physical tools and devices are being designed to shield citizens’ identities.
Technology : Advertising : Surveillance
Tourism Decelerated

Micro Trends

Tourism Decelerated

With travellers exhausted by overcrowding, homogenised sights and a sea of smartphones, a counter-movement of slow tourism is gathering pace.
Travel : Tourism : Hospitality
Air-purifying Algae

Micro Trends

Air-purifying Algae

This humble green plant’s carbon-sequestering properties are being championed as an eco-friendly solution to urban air pollution.
Wellness : Smog Life : Pollution
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