Macro Trends

Major shifts in consumer behaviour that will dictate our business environment in the long term.

Branding & Packaging Futures

Macro Trends

Branding & Packaging Futures

As the climate changes, economies lurch, austerity bites and technology advances, consumers are expecting more from less in all things in the Turbu...
Eco : Consumption : Throw Away

Macro Trends


Added bounce, more colour, longer eyelashes, better hold, longer life – the beauty industry always has promised its customers something extra. Now,...
Make-up : Cosmetics : Health

Macro Trends


In a world of über choice and information overload, we are witnessing the emergence of brand filtering and pause culture, and the growth of ‘thick ...
Lean : Nega-choice : Mega-choice
Beyond Retail

Macro Trends

Beyond Retail

Over the past 10 years, we have seen the growth of online retail and the pop-up store. The coming decade will see them evolve into new immersive sp...
Value-nomics : Pop-up : Experience
Turbulent Teens

Macro Trends

Turbulent Teens

The more prosaic say ‘2010s’, but we’re calling the next decade the Turbulent Teens. As the climate changes, power shifts, populations increase and...
Turbulence : Teenager : Geo-political
Generation Jones

Macro Trends

Generation Jones

As a generation, Jonesers (born between 1954 and 1965) have been described as more realistic than idealistic, more ironic than anarchic, and, above...
Boomers : Gen Jones : Ageing

Macro Trends


As we move into the 10s, the widespread proliferation of social media networks means that consumers increasingly expect brand relationships to be b...
Brand : Conversation : Democratic Brands
Prohibition Culture

Macro Trends

Prohibition Culture

Everywhere you look, behaviour is being curbed, controlled, nudged and monitored. The ‘war on waste’ is creating a stealth tax that covers everythi...
Nudge : Control : Waste
Homestead 3.0

Macro Trends

Homestead 3.0

Family sizes are changing, and our homes are adapting to accommodate new social and environmental behaviours.UK households are becoming more integr...
Home : Family : Connected Home

Macro Trends


A new entrepreneurial mindset is taking hold which is informed from knowledge of the web, the digital world and the power of launching ideas in ‘be...
Beta : Entrepreneurs : Business
Food Trends

Macro Trends

Food Trends

Label-gazing, value redefined, fooducation, retro-thrift, localism and comfort binging are just a few of the many trends identified by The Future L...
Food : Local : Scarcity

Macro Trends


In the wake of an economic downturn, the luxury industry has experienced a shock from falling sales and consumer confidence. Moving forward, it mus...
Heritage : Austerity : Brand Quietness
No-Frills Affluents

Macro Trends

No-Frills Affluents

They have been one of the prime drivers in UK retailer Morrisons’ return to profit. Once driven by impulse and indulgence, they are now driven by v...
No Frills : Austerity : Value
The Fifth Scenario

Macro Trends

The Fifth Scenario

At this very moment, the economy, the environment, science and technology, and the global balance of power are undergoing massive shifts: some are ...
Change : Hybrid : Dream

Macro Trends


There’s a sense of possibility in the air. US president Barack Obama describes it as the audacity of hope, but innovators, planners, academics and ...
Dreaming : Blue Sky : Future
Impression Management

Macro Trends

Impression Management

As the internet enables brands and individuals to be more visible than ever before, the face we present to the world becomes increasingly important...
Social Networking : Web 2.0 : Profiles
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