Macro Trends

Major shifts in consumer behaviour that will dictate our business environment in the long term.


Macro Trends


There is a something afoot, a cultural shift that has been rumbling in the undergrowth of society for the past 10 years and is finally roaring to ...
Futuretainment : Storytelling : Fantasy
The Flat Age Society

Macro Trends

The Flat Age Society

Something exciting is in the air. Forget everything you thought about being old, or age, even. In the society of the future, age isn’t just a num...
Baby Boomers : Age : Agelessness
The Polarity Paradox

Macro Trends

The Polarity Paradox

Moderation is no longer the modus operandi. In our busy, networked and choice-rich lives, people are finding a new model for self-restraint by fl...
Extreme Lifestyles : 5:2 Living : Pop Culture
The Convergence Economy

Macro Trends

The Convergence Economy

Look to retail spaces, products, hospitality and entertainment these days and, increasingly, there’s one distinctive theme: it’s difficult to tel...
The Convergence Economy : Beth Bentley : ShopperTrak

Macro Trends


As audiences flock to immersive, convivial experiences, entertainers are blurring the distinctions between spectator and performer, digital and phy...
Gaming : Third Rail Projects : Immersive Theatre
The Athena Woman

Macro Trends

The Athena Woman

Meet the modern woman. Educated. Affluent. Confident. Optimistic. She will rise to the top of her company, or start her own. She embraces community...
The Athena Women : New Adventure Seekers : Reality Check Branding
Re-con Man

Macro Trends

Re-con Man

New shifts are placing men in uncharted territory. Rather than wallowing in the professed crisis of masculinity or the end of men, the Re-con Man i...
Collaboration : Crisis : Man-uals

Macro Trends


Increasingly, marketers, designers and retailers understand that sound can influence behaviour. As technology advances they are dreaming up new sou...
Bespoke : Iceland : Installations
Body Temples

Macro Trends

Body Temples

Bodies are back. You can’t buy the new status symbol at a store, you’ll have to sweat for it. Today’s model of fitness is no longer an unattainable...
MGM Grand Hotel : CrossFit : Zumba
Re-enlightenment Rising

Macro Trends

Re-enlightenment Rising

For years people looked down on it as dull, square and best kept behind closed doors, but science is now breaking out of the laboratory – onto thea...
Enlightenment : Art : Science
The Dawn of the Mega-systems

Macro Trends

The Dawn of the Mega-systems

Apple, Amazon, Alibaba, Google, Facebook and Weibo are no longer simply trading platforms. They are the mega-systems of tomorrow, within which most...
Apple : Amazon : Google
Generation I

Macro Trends

Generation I

You type, they swipe. You click, they tap. You customise the template, they code their own. Born after 2002, today’s digital natives are demanding ...
Gen I : Kids : Digital Natives
The Future of Soft Drinks: 10 trends

Macro Trends

The Future of Soft Drinks: 10 trends

No longer are Coca-Cola and Pepsi the stalwarts of soft drinks. Brands are now to revamping their strategies and image to capture the attention of ...
Drinks : Soft Drinks : Non-alcoholic
Symbiotic Branding

Macro Trends

Symbiotic Branding

Collaboration used to be optional for brands that want to create buzz or a one-off product range. Now it is a rule not the exception, as brand-jack...
Symbiosis : Branding : Collaboration
New Emerging Affluents

Macro Trends

New Emerging Affluents

When they were unbanked, uncredited and unregulated, brands were uninterested. But as billions from Guangzhou to Kolkata, Lagos and Santos earn mor...
Emering Affluents : Middle-class : Urban Migration
Faction Marketing

Macro Trends

Faction Marketing

Desensitised to authenticity, and spoiled by the know-everything, see-everything transparency culture of the web, consumers are once more suspendin...
Fact : Fiction : Fake
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