Macro Trends

Major shifts in consumer behaviour that will dictate our business environment in the long term.


Macro Trends


As the nuclear family disappears and more fluid and complex forms of kinship take its place, technology is not only helping to run the househol...
Neo-kinship : Artificial Intelligence : Family
The Dislocated World

Macro Trends

The Dislocated World

In a world dominated by distrust, disconnection and disenfranchisement it is time for brands to take a stand and choose what type of future they wa...
The Dislocated World : Turbulent Teens : Backlash Culture
The Learning Economy

Macro Trends

The Learning Economy

Education has changed from an early-life to a life-long activity, but traditional institutions have failed to keep up with consumers. Bra...
Brand Educators : Lifelong Learning : Immortal Brand
Backlash Brands

Macro Trends

Backlash Brands

In an age of constant consumer backlash, bold brands are choosing to stand their ground rather than bow to every customer whim, staging a reactio...
Backlash Brands : Controversy-courting : Righteous Retail
The E-motional Economy

Macro Trends

The E-motional Economy

A new wave of sophisticated emodiversity is ushering in an era in which people are increasingly obsessed with how everything makes them feel.
Empathy : Artificial Emotional Intelligence : Mood Manipulation
Gen Viz

Macro Trends

Gen Viz

Teenagers are no longer self-absorbed souls struggling through puberty. Abstinence and realness are the order of the day for these new social activ...
Gen Viz : Generation Z : Visual First
Anti-authenticity Marketing

Macro Trends

Anti-authenticity Marketing

Tales of authenticity and heritage are leaving a bad taste in consumers’ mouths as brands mercilessly misappropriate these values and divest them...
Beyond Borders : Authenticity : Heritage
Revelation Brands

Macro Trends

Revelation Brands

The digital revolution promised to save us time, but instead we are busier than ever. It promised to broaden our horizons, but left us trapped in a...
Discovery : Chance : Serendipity
New Bricolage Living

Macro Trends

New Bricolage Living

Identity used to be something that you were born with. Age, race, gender and nationality were firmly fixed and determined your place in the world....
Third-stage Globalisation : Life-lodging : Connectivity
Neutral Culture

Macro Trends

Neutral Culture

Historically, race and gender have been the most divisive markers of identity. And while they are a foundation of mainstream culture, we are begi...
Neutral Culture : Diversity : LGBT
The Immortal Brand

Macro Trends

The Immortal Brand

Brands and consumers are no longer satisfied by instantaneous gratification. Can we really plan in years, decades – even centuries?
The Age Of The Long Near : Evernote : Long Now Foundation
The Optimised Self

Macro Trends

The Optimised Self

Humanity is on a quest. It is not a quest for perfection, but for optimisation – to be the optimal versions of ourselves, the most effective and th...
Optimisation : Health : Wellbeing
Whole-system Thinking

Macro Trends

Whole-system Thinking

As the boundaries between modern society and nature begin to blur, consumerism is becoming more integrated with our living world. As this shift u...
Anthropocene : Consilience : Life Sciences
Awakening Tech

Macro Trends

Awakening Tech

Our digital and offline worlds are converging. We have become bedfellows with robots, we take advice from gadgets, we ask mega-systems ...
Sensor Technology : Data Surge : Internet Of Things
The New Value Economy

Macro Trends

The New Value Economy

Ownership is receding as an ideal and a way to mark value. We share, rent and borrow products now, creating new systems of value and worth in the...
Collaborative Economy : Conspicuous Access : Reputation
The Sharded Self

Macro Trends

The Sharded Self

Social media is changing how we interact, make decisions and form opinions. As we pin, post and preen our way to an ideal identity online, these ...
Social Media Hotel : Identity : Online
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