Experts & Opinion

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Will the fall of Uber spell the death of the London black cab?


Will the fall of Uber spell the death of the London black cab?

Uber’s exit from the capital would open up many opportunities, but not necessarily for London’s traditional taxi service.
Mobility : Culture : Auto
Can’t we just let the vagina be?


Can’t we just let the vagina be?

If brands must create beauty products for below the belt, they should at least brand them honestly.
Beauty : Wellness : Branding
Is the blockchain the crucial link in luxury goods transparency?


Is the blockchain the crucial link in luxury goods transparency?

Why the technology is the vital next step towards reassuring luxury consumers concerned about provenance.
Luxury : Transparency : Tehcnology
Is disconnecting your customers the best way to grab their attention?


Is disconnecting your customers the best way to grab their attention?

Why offering consumers an easy way out of their click holes will make them take notice of your brand.
Digital : Marketing : Media
Is the subscription model the future of fashion?


Is the subscription model the future of fashion?

Why the industry can’t afford to ignore the post-ownership preferences of Generation Z.
Fashion : Retail : The Sharing Economy
Is it time to make retail spaces age-agnostic?


Is it time to make retail spaces age-agnostic?

With an ever-growing generation of affluent older consumers, retailers need to stop focusing exclusively on the young.
Retail : Fashion : Interiors
Will doxxing destroy your brand?


Will doxxing destroy your brand?

Internet lynch mobs are far more poweful than any CSR campaign you can deploy.
Branding : Purpose : Culture
Is ARKET’s push for transparency enough?


Is ARKET’s push for transparency enough?

Why merely acknowledging your suppliers is insufficient.
Fashion : Digital : Retail
Do we need to move beyond gendered sex toys?


Do we need to move beyond gendered sex toys?

Why the feminisation of the industry risks alienating Generation Z consumers.
Gender Neutral : Female Sexual Health : Wellness
Will optimisation enhance humanity or destroy it?


Will optimisation enhance humanity or destroy it?

Why the implants and prosthetics lionised by the elites of Silicon Valley will make society less equal.
Tech : Digital : Wellness
What does Walmart’s presence on Google Home mean for household brands?


What does Walmart’s presence on Google Home mean for household brands?

A new collaboration between Google and Walmart envisages an alternative future for voice-powered retail.
Retail : E-commerce : Digital
What the fuck have M****NNIALS ever done for us?


What the fuck have M****NNIALS ever done for us?

Why this much-maligned generation deserves our appreciation, not our disdain.
Millenials : Tech : Innovation
Could Uber taxis be the next retail space?


Could Uber taxis be the next retail space?

As we move further towards a post-ownership society, the back of an Uber taxi has the potential to be a lucrative retail space for brands.
Uber : Sharing Economy : Service
Could wellness be bad for the workplace?


Could wellness be bad for the workplace?

While today’s employees often demand wellness packages, evidence suggests they might do more harm than good.
Workplace : Wellness : Interiors
Do printed publications really need augmented reality?


Do printed publications really need augmented reality?

While adding augmented reality to print media might feel like a push away from tradition, is it doing it any favours in the long run?
Digital : Media : Technology
Is an electric car future sustainable?


Is an electric car future sustainable?

Why we will have to rethink energy if we want to power an electric car revolution.
Automotive : Sustainability : Technology
Does the e-sports industry need to create new formats to enter the mainstream?


Does the e-sports industry need to create new formats to enter the mainstream?

Transforming live e-sports experiences could prove key to engaging brands and consumers.
Media : Sport : Digital
Will their own airlines engage Millennial travellers?


Will their own airlines engage Millennial travellers?

With youth-focused airlines taking off this year, brands need to avoid surrendering to stereotypes when marketing to Millennials.
Travel : Branding : Mobility
Why is there a growing thirst for Generation Z blood?


Why is there a growing thirst for Generation Z blood?

There is a growing belief that the blood of young people can be harnessed to restore youth, despite little evidence to back up the claim.
Wellness : Beauty : Generation Z
Should we welcome a future in which every store front reads ‘Powered by Amazon’?


Should we welcome a future in which every store front reads ‘Powered by Amazon’?

What does the new Tuft & Needle store's wholesale adoption of the e-commerce giant’s technology mean for retail?
Retail : Food And Drink : Homewares
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