Experts & Opinion

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The new influences shaping colour forecasting


The new influences shaping colour forecasting

Catwalks have historically set colour trends, says James Cropper’s Mark Starrs, but in today’s digital-first world a new order of inspiration is co...
Packaging : Colour Trends : Design
Flexibility must sit at the heart of place branding


Flexibility must sit at the heart of place branding

Droga5’s Chris Chapman on why it’s crucial to delve into an area’s past and present, but have a malleable vision for its future.
Branding : Architecture : Placemaking
How fintech can speak to Generation X and beyond


How fintech can speak to Generation X and beyond

Clare Gambardella, chief customer officer at Zopa, on using design to ensure longevity in a fast-paced sector and improve financial wellness for all.
Finance : Banking : Transparency
Behavioural science will boost your business


Behavioural science will boost your business

Rupinder Mann, founder of UnNamed Ventures, on the role of neuroscience, psychology, behavioural economics and creativity on the future of work.
Workplace : Technology : Behavioural Science
Does Escapex herald the future of social media?


Does Escapex herald the future of social media?

Shamik Talukder, chief business officer at Escapex, on the need to create a platform that puts engagement back at the heart of social interaction.
Technology : Social Media : Entertainment
Instagram isn’t the space for sustainable fashion


Instagram isn’t the space for sustainable fashion

As more brands strive to be sustainable, it’s time to re-think social platforms that promote incessant newness and instant in-app purchasing.
Sustainability : Fashion : Instagram
Are deep fakes the future of personalised advertising?


Are deep fakes the future of personalised advertising?

AI is enabling a new form of hyper-personal influencer marketing. MSc Strategic Fashion Management graduates Helen Wang and Joanna Lanceley explain...
Advertising : Retail : AI
Why flop accounts aren’t the future of news


Why flop accounts aren’t the future of news

They might be labelled the most woke generation yet, but the Instagram accounts of today’s teenagers tell a different story.
Youth : ​Generation Z : Media
Dove is rewriting the rules of female beauty


Dove is rewriting the rules of female beauty

Sophie Galvani, global vice-president of Dove, on smashing stereotypes and celebrating beauty idiosyncrasies in the age of Algorithmic Beauty.
Beauty : Female Futures : Media
AI will improve wellbeing in your business


AI will improve wellbeing in your business

BioBeats, a digital health company, is using artificial intelligence to improve workplace mental health. Nicola Hemmings, its lead psychologist, ex...
Workplace : AI : Wellness
The rise of eco-conscious luxury hotels


The rise of eco-conscious luxury hotels

Inge van Weert, general manager at QO Amsterdam, explores how sustainable stays are fast becoming a luxury status symbol.
Hospitality : Travel : Tourism
Why audio is the future of virtual reality


Why audio is the future of virtual reality

Daniel Sabio, aka The Glad Scientist, has built a career as a VR musician. Now he’s creating virtual experiences for people with visual impairments.
Technology : Gaming : Entertainment
Will single-person households create a health crisis?


Will single-person households create a health crisis?

As the number of people living alone increases in South Korea, mental and physical health issues are becoming a major societal concern.
Uncoupled Living : Health : Wellness
The future of urban mobility lies in sustainability


The future of urban mobility lies in sustainability

Forget the behavioural whims of generation X, Y or Z – travel in tomorrow’s cities will be grounded in environmental necessity.
Future City : Future Cities : Society
Generation Z are deconstructing Asian femininity


Generation Z are deconstructing Asian femininity

Social media has empowered Indian women to take control of their identity, says Atika Malik, chief operating officer at Cheil India. Now brands mus...
Youth : Female Futures : Advertising
Prom night must become a beacon of inclusivity


Prom night must become a beacon of inclusivity

It’s time to put outdated traditions to rest. Schools across the globe have a responsibility to provide inclusive events that are open to all.
Youth : Fashion : Education
Facebook’s cryptocurrency is a misnomer that will change the world


Facebook’s cryptocurrency is a misnomer that will change the world

The social media giant’s new global currency, Libra, has the potential to completely overhaul the financial systems in emerging economies.
Fintech : Cryptocurrency : Techfin
Space10 on creating a cookbook with a mission


Space10 on creating a cookbook with a mission

Polina Bachlakova, editor of Future Food Today, the first cookbook from Ikea’s research and design lab, envisages a playful and sustainable future ...
Food : Drinks : Sustainability
It’s time to reboot the start-up mentality


It’s time to reboot the start-up mentality

Fundamental change is needed at the heart of any business to truly live and breathe start-up thinking, making and doing.
Design : Branding : R&D
Rural China is living in the future


Rural China is living in the future

Xiaowei Wang, creative director of Logic magazine, examines how the future of work is already alive and kicking in rural China.
Workplace : Retail : China
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