
Opinions, thought-starters and viewpoints from influencers, changemakers and chief thinkers, understanding how the next big ideas will shape your business.

Future-ready Retail


Future-ready Retail

Retail designer, futurist and author of Future Ready Retail, Ibrahim Ibrahim, is on a mission to reboot physical retail in the face of a ‘cost of d...
Retail : Design : Society
Laundry Tech is Reshaping Circular Fashion


Laundry Tech is Reshaping Circular Fashion

Wajahat Hussain and Richard Toon have created a solution to address the shrinking lifespan of garments. We discuss how Biorestore is accelerating c...
Fashion : Sustainability : Technology
So Far, So What, Sephora?


So Far, So What, Sephora?

PR and brand-building expert Jo Jones on why the long-awaited and anticipated relaunch of Sephora in the UK created a polite hum not a big buzz.
Beauty : Retail : Wellness
CES 2023: AI Futures


CES 2023: AI Futures

From multiple you’s to emotional AI and sensor-ised worlds, we speak to experts from design agencies Seymourpowell and NewTerritory about the AI fu...
Technology : Artifical Intelligence : CES
Leisurewear’s Circular Future


Leisurewear’s Circular Future

Jun Kamei, founder and CEO of UK-based Amphico, on how material innovation will accelerate the leisure sector’s move to a sustainable future.
Leisure : Sustainability : Materials
How to Curb Clothing Consumption?


How to Curb Clothing Consumption?

Journalist, lecturer and sustainability adviser Olivia Pinnock explores the need for de-growth in the fashion industry.
Fashion : Sustainability : Society
Coffee: The New Wellness Ingredient?


Coffee: The New Wellness Ingredient?

FutureBrand’s strategy director, Ashleigh Steinhobel, explores evolving health-focused directions in caffeine culture, from humble bean to bio-hack.
Drink : Coffee : Lifestyle
Battersea Power Station Redefines Retail Placemaking


Battersea Power Station Redefines Retail Placemaking

London’s iconic Battersea Power Station is giving UK shopping malls new agency with its mix of cultural and historical relevance, offering a fresh ...
Retail : Placemaking : Architecture
The Clean Beauty Evolution


The Clean Beauty Evolution

David Hjalmarsson, co-founder of biome-friendly assurance mark Kind To Biome, predicts how the clean beauty concept will evolve to encompass beauty...
Beauty : Skincare : Sustainability
Family in 2050


Family in 2050

By 2050, artificial wombs could be the preferred method of reproduction. Speculative artist Lisa Mandemaker discusses this progressive future while...
Health : Wellness : Technology
Towards Ecology-first Economics


Towards Ecology-first Economics

Dutch professor Kees Klomp on society’s economic delusion and how we can reconfigure the system to create a better future.
Society : Sustainability : Economics
Phenotype Health


Phenotype Health

Amnon Bar-Lev, co-founder and CEO of Alike, is on a mission to democratise health by connecting people based on their phenotype.
Health : Wellness : Technology
The Longevity Clinic of Tomorrow


The Longevity Clinic of Tomorrow

Anna Bjurstam, wellness pioneer at hospitality brand Six Senses, discusses how its luxury longevity clinic RoseBar aims to redefine the concept of ...
Health : Wellness : Longevity
Why the Future of Alt-meats relies on Tech


Why the Future of Alt-meats relies on Tech

Barak Orenstein, vice-president of marketing for SavorEat, believes technology holds the power to push the alternative meats category forward.
Food : Technology : Health
How to Create a Fashion-forward Metaverse


How to Create a Fashion-forward Metaverse

With Brand New Vision, fashion veteran and entrepreneur Richard Hobbs is building a Web3 eco-system dedicated to fashion.
Fashion : Metaverse : Technology
How Medicine can Learn from Gaming


How Medicine can Learn from Gaming

Clinical learning experiences through simulation have gained momentum and virtual reality (VR) is emerging as a new, powerful training tool for sur...
Health & Wellness : Technology : Gaming
Travel-proofing Beauty and Wellness Rituals


Travel-proofing Beauty and Wellness Rituals

Kate Cervini, CEO and founder of 100mL, discusses how the beauty and wellness sectors can better serve the modern traveller.
Beauty : Travel & Hospitality : Luxury
Is this the Future of Fragrance?


Is this the Future of Fragrance?

Genderless, carbon-neutral, synthetic: luxury veterans Enrico Pietra and Rodrigo Caula are building the future of fragrance – with a little help fr...
Luxury : Beauty : Technology
Can Organisational Structures act like Water?


Can Organisational Structures act like Water?

Too often, hierarchies within businesses stifle innovation and restrict the flow of ideas. There is much to learn from taking a more fluid approach.
Society : Scenario : Technology
De:Store brings Web3 Retail closer


De:Store brings Web3 Retail closer

Former Japanese fashion influencer Datz Itsuki Daito hopes to create a decentralised retail model for a Web3 world.
Retail : Media & Entertainment : Technology
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