Future Five: Home & Family

As part of our Future Five 2024 report, we explore the rising challenges and opportunities in relation to our family and home lives.

Future Five: Home & Family




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Discover More Micro Trends
Ancestral Eco Pantry

Micro Trends

Ancestral Eco Pantry

Bridging the gap between traditional preservation practices and modern convenience, these design innovators hint at a future with more ancestral an...
Future Of Food Storage : Sustainability : Eco-design
Spirited Synthesis

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Spirited Synthesis

Through creative and unexpected collaborations, food and drink innovators are redefining alcohol as a culinary flavour, appealing to a new generati...
Alcohol : Flavours : Food And Drink Futures
Eau de Climate Change

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Eau de Climate Change

As more flora and fauna become extinct every year, perfume innovators are becoming activists by attempting to encapsulate the authentic smell of Mo...
Beauty : Fragrance : Sustainability

Micro Trends


A backdrop of sex-averse culture is only making audiences thirstier, leading to an explosion of entertainment that brings smut to the masses.
Sex : Entertainment : Erotica
Safe Hate Spaces

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Safe Hate Spaces

Showing off their most embarrassing petty grievances, a new wave of content creators are building safe havens to normalise and connect over the act...
Content Creator : Youth Culture : Dark Humour
Decolonised Cowboy Core

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Decolonised Cowboy Core

From music to the catwalk and cinema screens, Black and Indigenous artists are finding inspiration in their cowboy heritage like never before, adva...
Pop Culture : Fashion : Media
The Big Meat Up

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The Big Meat Up

Following the popularity of vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian and alternative diets in recent years, US consumers are re-evaluating their relationship...
Food : Meat : Health
Cosmic Couture

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Cosmic Couture

Driven by a consumer appetite for exploration and escapism, brands are discovering the sky is not the limit but the beginning. Space is fashion’s n...
Fashion : Space : Luxury

Micro Trends


A new generation of transformative structures focused on next-level entertainment experiences are set to influence commercial, public and third spa...
Design : Architecture : Spatial Design
Comfort Cuvées

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Comfort Cuvées

Forward-thinking vintners are swapping esotericism for accessible pairings, sustainable packaging and a ‘deluxified’ approach to wine, ushering in ...
Youth : Food & Drink : Society
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