
Daily statistics from around the world highlighting evolving mindsets, attitudes and expectations of consumers, transcending age, race, values and beliefs.

Stat: The majority of Chinese graduates expect to be millionaires


Stat: The majority of Chinese graduates expect to be millionaires

College students across China believe they will become very wealthy in the decade following their graduation.
Youth : Finance : Workplace
Stat: Eco-motional teens feel unseen by governments


Stat: Eco-motional teens feel unseen by governments

Young people across the world are displaying growing levels of climate anxiety, with many feeling that their governments aren’t doing enough to pro...
Youth : Health & Wellness : Sustainability
Stat: Indian workers have high expectations of employers


Stat: Indian workers have high expectations of employers

The impact of Covid-19 has prompted global employees to rethink their expectations of work.
Society : Health & Wellness : Finance
Stat: Falling fertility rates at critical point in Britain


Stat: Falling fertility rates at critical point in Britain

Britain is facing falling fertility rates at a level that could lead to long-term economic stagnation.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: New technology could bolster interest in PE lessons


Stat: New technology could bolster interest in PE lessons

There is growing concern that young people in the UK are becoming disengaged from physical activity and school sports.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: CBD boosts interest in hard seltzers


Stat: CBD boosts interest in hard seltzers

With hard seltzers proving to be a popular category in the US drinks market, a study by Veylinx finds that there are still growth opportunities in ...
Stat : Statistic : Stats
Stat: US right-wingers less responsive to climate change


Stat: US right-wingers less responsive to climate change

Across the globe, people on the left of the political spectrum are generally more open than those on the right to taking personal steps to reduce t...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Covid-19 hinders Indian schoolchildren’s progress


Stat: Covid-19 hinders Indian schoolchildren’s progress

With many schools forced to close during outbreaks of Covid-19, there is growing evidence that children in India are facing significant academic de...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Livestock farms account for shocking carbon emissions


Stat: Livestock farms account for shocking carbon emissions

Across the world, livestock farms are responsible for a worrying level of carbon emissions – and are receiving funding to do so.
Stat : Statistic : Stats
Stat: Fewer men are enrolling in higher education


Stat: Fewer men are enrolling in higher education

In the US, the number of men’s college applications is falling while women account for a larger proportion of higher education students.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Gen Z are too busy watching TikTok to date


Stat: Gen Z are too busy watching TikTok to date

With Gen Z increasingly lured in by short-form entertainment apps, research by TikTok has found that they are spending less time on dating apps sin...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Unbranded jewellery is a hit with next-gen luxurians


Stat: Unbranded jewellery is a hit with next-gen luxurians

When it comes to high-value jewellery purchases, luxury shoppers are looking to express their personal style by opting for unbranded pieces.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Preachy vaccine adverts aren’t working for Gen Z


Stat: Preachy vaccine adverts aren’t working for Gen Z

While many brands have taken the opportunity to target Generation Z through vaccine campaigns, research by Unidays finds that adverts had very litt...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Food shortages are widespread in UK supermarkets


Stat: Food shortages are widespread in UK supermarkets

A supply chain crisis in the UK has led to a shortage of food in local shops and supermarkets, a survey by YouGov has revealed.
Stat : Statistic : Stats
Stat: Time spent streaming on TikTok surpasses that on YouTube


Stat: Time spent streaming on TikTok surpasses that on YouTube

In the US and the UK, people are spending more time watching videos on TikTok than on YouTube.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Young US workers are on a job-quitting spree


Stat: Young US workers are on a job-quitting spree

In the US, the pandemic has prompted a shift in mindsets among employees, with many now looking to change jobs.
Statistic : Youth : Workplace
Stat: Consumer demand for EVs falls short of US targets


Stat: Consumer demand for EVs falls short of US targets

While America’s sustainability targets include a push towards electric (EV) and hybrid vehicles, there is concern about consumer adoption rates in ...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Privacy-first youth are over ringtones


Stat: Privacy-first youth are over ringtones

Younger generations are driving a reduction in the use of mobile phone ringtones across the UK.
Stat : Statistic : Stats
Stat: London got noisier, not quieter, during lockdown


Stat: London got noisier, not quieter, during lockdown

During the Covid-19 lockdown, the number of noise complaints in London increased by 48%, compared with the same period in spring 2019.
Health & Wellness : Society : Architecture
Stat: Sleep becomes an inter-Covid nightmare in Asia


Stat: Sleep becomes an inter-Covid nightmare in Asia

While health remains a heightened concern around the world, one in four young people have worries relating to stress and sleep in China.
Food : Society : Sleep
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