
Daily statistics from around the world highlighting evolving mindsets, attitudes and expectations of consumers, transcending age, race, values and beliefs.

Stat: Cash remains vital amid cost of living crisis


Stat: Cash remains vital amid cost of living crisis

At a time when many UK citizens are facing increasing financial pressures, research by Which? reveals that cash is proving to be vital for people’s...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Podcasts are prompting big life changes


Stat: Podcasts are prompting big life changes

While podcasts remain a popular source of entertainment for many listeners, UK city-dwellers are also gaining career and lifestyle inspiration from...
Youth : Workplace : Media
Stat: Trust in crypto investment is falling


Stat: Trust in crypto investment is falling

While alternative finance investment has shown promising growth in recent years, activity from fintech and social media platform Robinhood suggests...
Finance : Society : FinTech
Stat: Switching to alt-proteins could protect forests


Stat: Switching to alt-proteins could protect forests

As global societies become more aware of the effect of meat-based diets on the planet, new research reveals its specific impact on deforestation.
Society : Food & Drink : Sustainability
Stat: Britain’s soaring household bills are set to continue


Stat: Britain’s soaring household bills are set to continue

As the cost of living crisis and soaring energy prices take hold in Britain, citizens are expected to face even higher household bills.
Finance : Home : Society
Stat: Young Germans are yearning for the past


Stat: Young Germans are yearning for the past

For Germans under the age of 35, the past is more attractive than the future.
Youth : Society : Scenario
Stat: Shoppers are open to slower e-commerce deliveries


Stat: Shoppers are open to slower e-commerce deliveries

Hyper-convenient delivery is being substituted for more sustainable shopping behaviours, according to a new study by Blue Yonder.
Retail : Sustainability : Society
Stat: Gen Z want to build careers in the metaverse


Stat: Gen Z want to build careers in the metaverse

Although the metaverse is still only in its initial stages, members of Generation Z are already plotting ways to earn a living from it.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Women continue to ditch their make-up routines


Stat: Women continue to ditch their make-up routines

While early pandemic lockdowns prompted many women to ditch their make-up habits, recent global research by Kantar reveals that this shift has cont...
Beauty : Retail : Society
Stat: Gender inequality is rampant in South Korea


Stat: Gender inequality is rampant in South Korea

Despite indicators that things are improving, research conducted by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family shows that gender disparity persists...
Society : Youth : Gender
Stat: US tourists embrace all-inclusive trips


Stat: US tourists embrace all-inclusive trips

While organising a holiday has come with added stresses since the start of the pandemic, US travellers are embracing the ease of all-inclusive trips.
Stat : Statistic : Stats
Stat: England’s teachers are resigning en masse


Stat: England’s teachers are resigning en masse

A mass wave of resignations is threatening to hit the English education sector in the coming years.
Stat : Statistic : Education
Stat: Inter-Covid travellers are making last-minute bookings


Stat: Inter-Covid travellers are making last-minute bookings

While travel bookings have filled many tourists with heightened anxieties amid Covid-19, research by Captify and has found that peop...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: Public art can alleviate traffic accidents


Stat: Public art can alleviate traffic accidents

In addition to improving the appearance of urban spaces, new research from Bloomberg Philanthropies reveals that public art serves a functional pur...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: British shoppers are prioritising eco-packaging


Stat: British shoppers are prioritising eco-packaging

While high prices are hitting many British shoppers’ ability to make eco-conscious food decisions, some consumers are actively prioritising sustain...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: US consumers sniff out gender-neutral perfumes


Stat: US consumers sniff out gender-neutral perfumes

After being popularised in the 1990s, unisex scents are making a comeback.
Beauty : Fragrance : Society
Stat: Plant-based diets prove healthier for dogs


Stat: Plant-based diets prove healthier for dogs

While most dog diets conventionally rely on animal products, a recent study suggests that nutritionally complete vegan diets are healthier for dogs.
Food & Drink : Pets : Sustainability
Stat: Global air pollution reaches frightening heights


Stat: Global air pollution reaches frightening heights

The global air pollution crisis is escalating to new levels.
Smog Life : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: Young workers would prefer to be unemployed than unhappy


Stat: Young workers would prefer to be unemployed than unhappy

Across the globe, young workers are beginning to prioritise their happiness over staying in a job they’re not enjoying.
Youth : Health & Wellness : Workplace
Stat: The climate crisis is impacting communities


Stat: The climate crisis is impacting communities

Across the world, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the climate crisis.
Society : Climate Crisis : Community
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